FIN 424D - Syllabus

Note: This course code has changed from B 424D to FIN 424D. You may occasionally see references to the old course code or title.

Course Description

This course provides a focused look at the primary legal issues you will encounter in a new business venture. The course builds on a general understanding of business law concepts to focus on areas of law most relevant to New Ventures including employee stock option plans, executive compensation and employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements, choice and creation of business entities, business licensing, statutory requirements for corporations, securities laws that apply to private financing, mergers and acquisitions, review of contracts, torts, and employment laws.

New Ventures Law is part of the Business Management New Ventures emphasis. If you are a business major and change your emphasis, you must transfer into the appropriate law course (for instance Marketing Law or Finance Law). Non-business majors are welcome to take this course.

“We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man; and that he holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them, both in making laws and administering them, for the good and safety of society.” (Doctrine & Covenants 134:1)

Successful Students Will:

Text Books/Required Materials


Times Commitment

You will spend three hours each week preparing, teaching each other, and pondering/proving competence.


30% Participation in discussions and reading

30% Exams

40% Assignments/Projects


Turnitin is used in this course. No additional action is required on your part. Your case brief assignments will be automatically run through Turnitin's originality checker to promote academic honesty and discourage plagiarism. You may view the originality report results about 10 minutes after initially submitting an assignment.

Late Work

Late work may be submitted for one week following the due date. It will be discounted 5% per day.

You may not take quizzes or exams late. You may not make-up missed quizzes or exams.


You will complete two exams: a midterm and a final exam. Each exam has 25 questions, and the questions are primarily multiple-choice format.The exams are open-book, so you may use any materials. You will have two hours to complete the exam. Exams are based on course readings, videos, and other materials.Each lesson includes activities intended to help you gain a deeper understanding of the course content. You are encouraged to keep notes as you go through the course. They will be a valuable resource to you during the exams.Quizzes help you prepare by encouraging you to read and check your understanding. Exams assess a deeper understanding of the material.Exam questions focus on understanding and application of course information rather than memorizing and repeating information.A few example questions will be posted to help you prepare.


Unless otherwise instructed, you will complete work individually.

Lessons open and close on End-of-Week. Therefore all assignments, discussions, quizzes, and exams are due End-of-Week. You will see the current lesson and one future lesson. Additionally you will see all previously completed lessons. You are allowed to work ahead. However you may not take exams ahead of schedule.

During this course you will read and view assigned reference materials, participate in discussions, complete assigned quizzes, and prepare presentations and case briefs.

Additional Information

Please refer to the University Policies.