This course and the associated certificate are designed for international students in agricultural based economies.


Course Outcomes

Course Description

This course will introduce you to the business of agriculture. You will learn concepts in agribusiness management that you will use in developing a business plan for your business. This course will be an important component in the agribusiness certificate program that you are enrolled in. It will provide a foundation for your career, empowering you in becoming a successful agribusiness manager.

Learning Model Architecture

As in all BYU-Idaho courses, this course will utilize the BYU-I Learning Model. You will prepare by completing the assigned readings each week. Teaching one another will occur as you complete activities in which you teach family members or friends and participate in class discussions. Finally, you will ponder and prove by demonstrating understating through completing quizzes and assignments. As part of your assignments, you will create a business plan.

Course Expectations

The following are recommendations for success in this class:


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Required Materials


Readings are supplied within the course.

Course Work

Assignments and activities are designed to increase the depth of your learning. Through these, you will apply the principles you have learned to situations similar to those you will encounter professionally and personally.

Major assignments are due at the end of the week in order to give you the opportunity to use the full week to work on such items. Make sure you set your computer to your local time so that the due dates will be adjusted to reflect your time zone.

Readings and videos

There will be various readings and videos that you will have the opportunity to read throughout the semester. It is important that you read and study them thoroughly, as they will prepare you for your assignments. At times, you are asked to engage in activities related to the reading, such as teaching a friend or family member about a concept that you have learned. You will account for your reading, video viewing, and activity completion in a weekly self-assessment.

Reading Quizzes

The quizzes are based on the readings for the week.


In most lessons you will share your learning and perspective through discussion board posts.


Assignments that are based on the readings for the week and allow you to practice with the concepts learned.

Reflection Journal

At the end of each week, you will write a short paper in which you describe the impact of the week's lesson on you.

Business Plan

In Weeks 5 through 14 you will develop a business plan for an actual agribusiness enterprise that you would like to develop or expand. Completing each component of the plan will prepare you to effectively manage you current business or start a new business.


Not all weeks contain all of the above activities.

Self-Reliance Program

Principles taught in this course are consistent with the Church's self-reliance program. If desired, you may investigate the church's self-reliance resources. The Church establishes Self Reliance Centers and Self Reliance counselors in many parts of the world. (Note that some areas only have counselors.) At the beginning of the semester, it is recommended that you check your local Church unit to see if a Self Reliance center and/or a Self Reliance Counselor is available in your area. If so, contact your center/counselor and describe your situation, including that you are enrolled in this course. The center/counselor may be able to provide useful resources and perspective that are specific to your location.

Grading Policies

You will be graded on a linear scale (not curved). An "A" is a merit that will require dedication and mastery of subject matter. Just completing the minimum expectations does not denote "A" effort. You will need to take the time to study, understand, and apply the principles taught in order to get an "A".

Grading Scale

This course will use the following standard BYU-Idaho grading scale:

Percentage Range Letter Grade
93% – 100% A
90% – 92% A-
87% – 89% B+
83% – 86% B
80% – 82% B-
77% – 79% C+
73% – 76% C
70% – 72% C-
67% – 69% D+
63% – 66% D
60% – 62% D-
00% – 59% F

Grading Components

Grades will be determined as follows:



Reading quizzes




Business Plan Assignments






Misc. Items




Late Work Policy

Students should complete their work on time, and generally, late work will not be accepted. However, the instructor has discretion to accept late work or extend due dates in case of extenuating circumstances.


Tutoring options for online students are available through the Academic Support Centers. There are tutors available to help you with writing questions and there may be course-specific tutoring available.

Honor Code

Following the honor code is of great importance as you strive to be a disciple of Christ. Your commitment to live the Honor Code will contribute to the overall BYU-Idaho Community. Your actions should be respectful and should foster an environment where all can feel the Sprit.

BYU-Idaho's Dress and Grooming standards apply to all students, including online students. By adhering to the honor code you will create a learning environment, "consistent with the ideals and principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints." For more detailed information, see the Honor Code webpage.


Each student has a responsibility to carefully read assigned materials and instructions. Questions should be noted and directed to your instructor. You also have the responsibility to contribute to others' learning through your participation in discussions boards and review material with partners.

This syllabus and the course schedule may be changed at any time prior to or during the semester as the need arises based upon circumstances. Any changes will be available to view on the course documents.

Students with Disabilities

In compliance with the applicable disability law, qualified students with a disability may be entitled to "reasonable accommodation." It is the student's responsibility to disclose to the instructor any special need he or she may have by the end of the first week of the semester.

University Policies

Read the University Policies found in the I-Learn folder titled, "Student Resources." See information about the following: Student Honor, Students with Disabilities, Sexual Harassment, and Complaints and Grievances.

Academic Honesty

As followers of Christ, all BYU-Idaho students, staff, and faculty are expected to be honest in all their dealings. This also applies and extends to behavior and actions related to academic work. It is critical for students to understand the seriousness of academic dishonesty and misconduct, which are not tolerated by the University, and strive to produce and submit only the results of their own effort and original work.

To copy another person's work from the internet, a book, or from any other source and claiming it to be your own work, is plagiarism. Read the official definitions of plagiarism and cheating from the Academic Dishonesty portion of the honor code.

It is worth remembering that while students are encouraged to work with one another and share ideas, the sharing of text, code, or anything like unto it is inappropriate. When working on a group project, you have the responsibility to assure that others in the group do not plagiarize. Remember: There is never an acceptable excuse for plagiarism or cheating.

Penalties for Academic Dishonesty

Although the Academic Honesty section of the University Policies explains what constitutes each of the many forms of academic dishonesty as well as procedures and guidelines for handling such incidents, specific application of consequences are left up to each individual instructor.

In this course, instructors will be responsible for creating and applying their own policy regarding penalties for academic dishonesty, which may vary from point deductions up to a score of zero on the entire assignment, and clearly communicating that policy to students at the beginning of the semester. Cases will be analyzed on an individual basis and penalties applied according to the severity of the misconduct.

Getting Started

To begin your work in the course, finish reading this syllabus, then, read all the information in the W01 Introduction. You can find this by going into the course and selecting "Content." Then select "Week 01" and find "W01 Introduction".

Course Navigation

Each week, you should begin by reading the appropriate introduction. Use the schedule information in the introduction to plan when you will accomplish each task for the week. To navigate through a lesson, pay attention to cues within the pages regarding the sequence of activities. Be sure you fully read the instruction in each page. After completing an activity a statement at the bottom of the page will direct you to the next activity you should complete.

Generally, you will work through the items in each folder in the order which they appear in the navigation menu at the left. However, at times, you may need to return later to a specific activity, such as a discussion in order to fully complete it. You should take the navigational approach just described; you should not rely solely on the calendar. The calendar provides useful reminders, but should not be your primary means of navigating through the course.