MATH 110X: College Algebra Syllabus


Two years of high school algebra or Math 101 with a grade of "B" or higher. ACT score of 18 or higher OR SAT score of 430 or higher OR refresher course on ALEKS with a score of 53 or higher.

Course Description

Elementary analysis of functions having discrete or connected domains. Methods of solving equations, systems of equations, and matrices. Strong connections to real world applications of functions and matrices will be made. Students who will be going on to take Calculus are strongly encouraged to take Math 109 instead of Math 110

Course Objectives

Help students to enjoy mathematics and improve problem solving skills as they develop capabilities to solve real world problems using algebra.


Learning in this class will be facilitated by the use of several technologies.

  1. A non-graphing calculator is required for the course.
  2. You must have access to a printer and scanner.
  3. You will also be required to use a spreadsheet. If you don't own Excel, you can get a free copy of the latest version by visiting - Free Microsoft Downloads).
  4. This course will also be using Desmos, a free online graphing tool. It will be introduced later in the course.
  5. MyMathLab (MML) will help us with our algebra skills review and development. Please note that after the add/drop date (about one week after the first day of classes) your school account will be charged a $64 fee for the MyMathLab course. You will need to log in after that time to ensure that you have paid this fee.

Course Textbook

There is not a physical textbook for this course (you can find an ebook inside MyMathLab), so you will be creating your own textbook or personal resource as we go while taking notes during preparation assignments, group meetings, and while you are doing your homework. It can serve as a resource as you move on to other classes (Chemistry, Biology, Calculus, etc.) and/or programs (dental school, Medical School, graduate work, etc.) that require a knowledge of algebra. You can also use it to prepare for unit and final exams.

Preparation Time

Principle Five of the BYU-Idaho learning model states: “Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho love, serve, and teach one another”. In order to incorporate this aspect of the learning model in our course, it is important all students prepare and participate. Adequately prepared students should expect to spend a 9-12 hours per week for Math 110. Many of the concepts taught and learned in Math 110 requires a solid background in high school algebra or Math 101 (a grade of “B” or higher). If you have not met this requirement, you should consider a different course or be willing to put in extra time to be successful in this course.

Grading Policies

Gradebook Item Percentage
Exams (4) 60%
Quizzes 10%
Homework 10%
MML & Self-Reports 10%
Projects 10%
Total 100%
Letter Grade Percentage Range
A 93% – 100%
A- 90% – 92%
B+ 87% – 89%
B 83% – 86%
B- 80% – 82%
C+ 77% – 79%
C 73% – 76%
C- 70% – 72%
D+ 67% – 69%
D 63% – 66%
D- 60% – 62%
F 00% – 59%


There will be four exams given during the semester (see calendar for the dates) worth a total of 60% of your overall grade.Students should plan to take all exams. Exams will need to be taken sometime during the window that the exam is open. (See the Calendar for specific dates). Students will have only one chance to take the test, there are no re-takes on Exams.


Individual quizzes will also be given every week, except exam weeks. You are allowed to use your book, notes, and calculator. 


Homework will be assigned from MyMathLab each week. Homework is due Saturday at 11:59 PM MST. Homework will be automatically graded upon submission. You are strongly encouraged to study together and work together on homework assignments. However, you each must submit your own assignment in your own words and should thoroughly understand everything you submit. Although you will submit your homework online, it is recommended that you keep a homework notebook. This notebook should include organized and written out solutions to the homework problems to help you organize your mathematical thoughts and to use as a study guide in preparation for quizzes and exams.

Additionally, homework will be given in the form of quizzes, labs, worksheets, etc. Keys will be provided for some of the assignments, please use the keys as a learning tool to assure that the work that you are doing is correct. The keys will allow you to get quick feedback on your homework and make adjustments to your thinking if there are any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Take advantage of the keys to learn more about the mathematics that we are studying. Some solutions will look different from those that are provided in the keys, if you believe your solution is correct feel free to ask the Teachers Assistant or instructor.

Late Work Policy

After the due date has passed for Homework and Self-Report quizzes you will not have the chance to submit those for late credit. The assignment in MyMathLabs will allow late submissions for 60% credit. After the due date has passed for Exams and Projects late submissions will receive 60% of the earned credit. Exceptions may be made by the instructor.

Group Work

You are expected to meet with your group in a Zoom meeting two times per week. These meetings will be recorded and submitted and assignments will be given that should be completed with the group during the meeting time.This meeting should be a time of great learning. Talking about the steps and the processes of math with others can really help students to understand the material better.

Getting Help

The best way to be prepared is to do the homework and/or study assignment. Math is something you learn by doing, so it is critical to do the homework. You won't know what you understand and where you need to improve until you step out in faith and try the problems. The following strategies are recommended for obtaining math assistance. Review all materials and resources provided for the course. Take advantage of your study group during Zoom meetings. Get together regularly to do homework and discuss material for the class. Visit your instructor during office hours, visit your Teaching Assistant during office hours, and contact the Academic Learning Center for a free tutor if needed.

Honor Code

All students are expected to adhere to the honor code, including dress and grooming standards. Please follow appropriate boundaries by ensuring that all work you submit is your own and is submitted in your own words.

Students with Disabilities

BYU-Idaho does not discriminate against persons with disabilities in providing its educational and administrative services and programs, and follows applicable federal and state law. This policy extends to the University's electronic and information technologies (EIT). Students with qualifying disabilities should contact with Disability Services Office at or 208-496-9210. additional information about Disability Services resources can be found at


BYU-Idaho prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in its education programs or activities. Prohibited sex discrimination includes incidents of sexual harassment (including sexual violence), dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (collectively "sexual misconduct"). As an instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment for my students and for the campus as a whole. University policy requires that I report all incidents of sexual misconduct that comes to my attention. If you encounter sexual misconduct, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at or 208-496-9200. Additional information about sexual misconduct and available resources can be found at


The instructor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus at any time during the semester in order to adapt to changing course needs. You will be notified prior to any changes that may take place.