Division and Percentages:

Finding the percentage of an amount

Percentages are used a lot in life. For example, we see them in tithing, taxes, and store discounts. In this lesson, you will learn how to do calculations using percentages. Remember, in order to do calculations with percentages, we must first convert them into decimals.

Video Source (05:02 mins) | Transcript

Video Source (01:54 mins) | Transcript

Video Source (02:56 mins) | Transcript

Here are the things to remember from this lesson:

Additional Resources

Practice Problems

  1. How many hours equal 15% of a day?
  2. What is 35% of 200?
  3. If a computer costs $850 and it is on sale for 15% off, how much has the price been reduced?
  4. If a dress costs $150 and it is on sale for 20% off, what is the sale price of the dress?
  5. If a bicycle costs $500 and the sales tax is 6%, what is the total cost of the bicycle with tax included?


  1. 3.6 hours (Solution Video | Transcript)
  2. 70 (Written Solution)
  3. $127.50 (15% of $850 is: 0.15 × $850 = $127.50. This is the amount that the price as been reduced.)
  4. $120 (Solution Video | Transcript)
  5. $530 (Written Solution)