Course Syllabus

NOTE: This course code has changed from B 211 to BA 211. You may occasionally see references to the old course code or title.

Course Description

This course provides an overview of the core functions of business, including product development, marketing, operations, human resource management, accounting, finance, and international business. This will be accomplished by managing an online simulated business where students will learn to make fundamental management decisions required to run a $50 million dollar corporation effectively. This course is designed to provide student exposure to the various career opportunities in business and also recommended for non-business students interested in gaining an overview of business management, leadership, and small business entrepreneurship.

Course Outcomes

Each student will have the opportunity to do the following:

  1. Become familiar with key business and financial terms and apply business acumen.
  2. Understand how business principles can be used to manage a company or small business.
  3. Work together in teams to run a simulated company that must make critical business decisions.
  4. Understand the fundamentals of marketing, finance, and operations (supply chain) management.

Course Requirements

Required Course Texts And Fees

  • CapSim simulation fees will total around $45.00 (automatically charged by BYUI Bookstore if you are still enrolled in the course after the registration deadline). Fees include the following:
    • Foundation Simulation
  • Access to a laptop computer with Microsoft Office (version 2000 or later).
  • Cases accessed by way of links on I-Learn from the Harvard Business Review.
  • Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't by Jim Collins (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992). Any media version of the book is acceptable (Hardcover, audio or electronic version is acceptable) The course materials are available in the Course Materials List.
Course Requirements
Resource Title and Description
(books, software, and so on.)
Author or Provider Ed. or Vol. 13-Digit ISBN (if applicable)
Microphone and Webcam N/A N/A

Compare prices for your textbooks through the University Store Price Comparison Site. They will show you all of the options from the University Store plus several online options to help you find the best price.

The only required book that you need to purchase is Good to Great.

Do not purchase CapSim materials from the bookstore because the simulation will be billed to your student account on the  "Last Day to Drop" class date. 

  • If you do not have the funds to purchase CapSim, please contact BYUI financial aid for information because CapSim is required for this course.
  • If you have already paid once for access to CapSim, let BYUI admin know right away so the bookstore can refund your second charge.
  • If you withdraw from this class after the registration deadline has passed, tell your instructor so you can be removed from the CapSim industry.


To take this class you must meet one of the following requirements.

  • Completed one of the following:
    • MATH 108X: Math for the Real World
    • MATH 109: Precalculus 
    • MATH 221A: Business Statistics
    • MATH 221B: Biostatistics
    • MATH 221C: Social Science Statistics
    • CIT 110: Introduction to Excel
    • BUS 115: Business Applications 
    • MATH 112X: Calculus I 
    • ECON 215: Quantitative Methods 
    • MATH 119: Applied Calculus for Data Analysis 

Proctored Exams and Assessments

This course will use an online proctoring software called Proctorio. This makes it possible for students to take assessments and exams without a human proctor present. Proctored exams can be accessed like any other exam, once the software has been installed. Exams will be recorded by Proctorio and reviewed by the BYUI Testing Center. Any questionable exams will be forwarded to the instructor for further review.

For step-by-step instructions on Proctorio installation, please refer to this help guide article.

Weekly Time Commitment

The online class policy is that for every credit hour, you should expect to spend three to four hours of work per credit. For this three-credit class, you should plan on spending approximately nine-twelve hours per week. Failure to start working early and diligently continue working on assignments will cause you grief. If you expect to be successful in this course, plan to spend a lot of time on it.

Course Overview


Week 1: Business Management

Week 2: Business Fundamentals

Week 3: Business Basics and Economics

Week 4: Accounting and Finance

Week 5: Accounting and Finance

Week 6: Management and Leadership

Week 7: Ethics and Integrity

Week 8: Strategy and Execution

Week 9: Supply Chain Management and Operations

Week 10: Marketing

Week 11: Marketing

Week 12: Entrepreneurship

Week 13: Global Business

Week 14: Final Simulation

General Weekly Outline

  1. Weekly Debrief
  2. CapSim Rounds
  3. Discussions
  4. CapSim Debriefings
  5. Study Various Materials
  1. Good to Great readings
  2. Quizzes
  3. Case Studies
  4. Assignments
  5. Reflections: Lessons Learned

Course Policies and Exceptions

  1. No assignments will be accepted late.
  2. The Code of Honor standards apply to this course and will be enforced. Please review the standards of the BYUI Honor Code Office. Pay special attention to the Academic Honesty section. Failure to abide by these principles could result in failing assignments, failing the course, being dropped from the business management major, or suspension from BYU-Idaho.
  3. Plan on completing the final exam at the date and time indicated on the schedule.
  4. If you have a diagnosed disability or believe you have a disability that may require reasonable accommodation on the part of BYU-Idaho, please call 208-496-9210 to make an appointment. In compliance with the applicable disability law, qualified students with a disability may be entitled to "reasonable accommodation." It is the student's responsibility to disclose to the Disability Services Office any special needs he or she may have and to provide the appropriate documentation of the disability. The Disability Office is located inside the Learning Assistance Center, McKay Library first floor.
  5. Learn to love learning!
  6. Academic Honesty:  


    Plagiarism is using other peoples’ words, ideas, or data without citing, quoting, or referencing the original author.

    Examples of plagiarism, including but are not limited to:

    • Direct Plagiarism: Copying others’ ideas, words, or data without citing, quoting, or referencing the author or source.
    • Incidental (accidental) plagiarism: This happens when a student uses another person’s words, ideas, or data, but does not cite, quote, or reference them appropriately.
    • Paraphrased Plagiarism: This happens when a student uses his or her own words to describe ideas, words, or data from another person or source without citing or referencing that person or source
    • Plagiarism Mosaic: This happens when students borrow words, ideas, or data from another person or source. Then the student combines those words, ideas, or data into his or her own writing without citing or referencing the original author or source.
    • Insufficient Acknowledgment: Partial or incomplete referencing of another person or source when borrowing words, ideas, or data from that person or source.

    Fabrication or Falsification

    Fabrication or falsification is creating false or fake information from an original source or author.

    Examples include but are not limited to these:

    • Citing a source that does not exist.
    • Creating fake information, words, or data and stating the fake information, words, or data come from an official author or source.
    • Stating that results come from an author or source when the original author or source did not claim those results.
    • Citing an author or source in a reference section or bibliography section when the author or source is not referenced in the assignment.
    • Purposefully changing the meaning or application of data, words, or information from another source or author.
    • Creating fake data or results to support conclusions.


    Cheating is copying other people's work during projects, assignments, tests, or other school work.

    Examples include but are not limited to these:

    • Copying from another person’s work during a test, a quiz, an assignment, or project.
    • Allowing someone to copy work during a test, a quiz, an assignment, or project.
    • Using notes or other materials during a test, a quiz, an assignment, or project without permission from the instructor.
    • Working with other people on a test, quiz, assignment, or project without permission from the instructor.
    • Completing a test, quiz, assignment, or project for another person without permission from the instructor.
    • Allowing another person to complete a test or quiz for you without permission from the instructor

    Academic Misconduct

    Academic misconduct: Lying or any other dishonest behavior regarding school work.

    Examples include but are not limited to these:

    • Giving or receiving help on assignments when the instructor has prohibited it.
    •  Making plans with another person to be academically dishonest.
    • Offering to give money or something of value in order to receive help on tests, or quizzes.
    • Offering to give help on tests or quizzes.
    • Changing or altering grades in official education records.
    • Obtaining answers to a test, quiz, or assignment without permission.
    • Providing answers to a test, quiz, or assignment without permission.
    • Entering a building or office, without permission, in order to access academic material or content.
    • Continuing to work on an assignment, quiz, test, or project if time has expired.
    • Trying to gain credit in different classes for the same assignment or project without permission from each course instructor.
    • Getting equal credit on group assignments when a student did less work than other students.

    Unauthorized Uploading or Sharing

    Uploading or sharing BYU-Idaho course content and material without permission is also a form of academic dishonesty. Students should not upload, share, or find course material without permission from the instructor. Your course instructor may also impose other restrictions on the use of course materials.

    Consequences of Violating the Academic Honesty Policy

    Violations of the Academic Honesty Policy may result in consequences up to and including suspension or expulsion from the university.

  7. Written Assignments and Late Assignment Penalties: All written assignments are due on the session date they are described in the schedule. All assignments should be formatted according to the instructions given in the assignment. Make a backup copy of each assignment for your records and save the latest components of your plan electronically. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  8. Forming Your Companies: Over the course of the semester, you will learn more about teams and group decision making relative to individual decision making. Your instructor will choose your team members and you will be accountable to each other for your work. Your ability to work well in small teams will be a big part of your success in this class and in your future career.
  9. Guiding Principles of Learning & Teaching: At BYU-Idaho, we foster faith-building and life-changing learning. Through our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the gifts of the Holy Ghost, we can learn by study and also by faith. Please remember that everyone at BYU-Idaho is both a learner and a teacher. As such, the principles below should guide our actions:
    • Exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a principle of power. Understand that the Holy Ghost is the true teacher and invite the Holy Ghost to teach us.
    • Act, rather than be acted upon.
    • Accept responsibility for learning and teaching.
    • Integrate scholarly knowledge and sacred truth.
    • Love, serve, and teach one another.

Total Points (About 1,000 points)

There is about 1,000 total points possible in this course. All points are evenly weighted (There is no weighting of points).

Assignments (about 280 points)

To enhance our learning experience, various homework assignments are scheduled throughout the course according to our course schedule. These homework assignments include discussion boards, peer evaluations, excel assignments and other various papers.  Homework assignments will be submitted in I-Learn.

Capsim Business Simulation (about 290 points)

An integral part of this class is a simulated business. Your grade in the simulation is based on the performance of your company, that is, how well your team "manages" your company. In the simulation, you will make a series of business decisions that are judged in a simulated competitive market. As in the real market, some sets of decisions are more successful than others. While there is an element of competition, you can do well with respect to your grade if you make a valiant effort and prove you have learned from the mistakes made in the simulation. You will run the simulation multiple times and the grading is as follows:

Rehearsal Rounds = 4 Rounds for 5 points (one self-assessment)
Team Footrace  = 4 Rounds for 15 points (three weekly self-assessments)
Individual Footrace = 8 Rounds for 40 points (based on your total balanced scorecard)
Team Competition Rounds = 8 Rounds for 128 points (based on weekly assessments and final balanced scorecard)
Final Individual Footrace = 8 Rounds for 100 points (based on your total balanced scorecard)

Quizzes (about 180 points)

During the semester, you will have quiz assessments to measure your progress and understanding of the areas you are studying. Each week has at least one assessment that can contain content from any part of that week. Other assessments will test on reading assignments or other specific assignments.

Midterm Exam (100 points)

The midterm exam will assess your knowledge of key business terms and the ability to read and analyze financial statements.

Final Exam (100 points)

The final exam consists of two parts. The first part for 100 points, was mentioned above by running the Capsim Footrace Simulation individually to assess your understanding and ability in running a simulated business. The second part will be an exam worth 100 points to assess your knowledge of key business terms and the ability to read and analyze financial statements.

Reflections: Lessons Learned (50 points)

You will keep track of the things that you have learned throughout the semester. This is a good habit to get into and continue throughout your business career.

Good To Great

We will read this book by Jim Collins during the semester to better understand the principles of change and transition. The evaluation will be in the form of class discussions and assessments. This category's grade is included in the assessments category.

Grading Policies

Grades are based on the following point system (1000 points total):

Grading Policies
Letter Grade Percentage Range
A 100%–93%
A- 92.9%–90%
B+ 89.9%–87%
B 86.9%–83%
B- 82.9%–80%
C+ 79.9%–77%
C 76.9%–73%
C- 72.9%–70%
D+ 69.9%–67%
D 66.9%–63%
D- 62.9%–60%
F Below 60%


If any technical difficulties arise throughout the course, contact the Online Support Center or the Help Desk before contacting the instructor.

Online Support Center

The Online Support Center (OSC) is designed to help any students taking online courses at BYU-Idaho. If you have questions about any online course or any feedback concerning online courses, instructors, or your online learning experience, please contact the OSC.

OSC Contact Information

Phone: 208-496-1411

Text Messaging: 855-808-7102


Live Chat: OSC Live Chat link

Website: BYUI Online Support link

Hours: MondayFriday, 7 a.m.7 p.m., (mountain time)

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office (Links to an external site.) at 1-208-496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations (Links to an external site.). Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Disability Services Office.

This course may require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Disability Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for these meetings, please contact the deaf and hard of hearing coordinator at 1-208-496-9219.

Other University Policies

Student Honor and Other Policies

Please read through the document called University Policies (Links to an external site.). It gives important information about the following topics:

  • Student Honor
    • Academic Honesty
    • Student Conduct
      • Sexual Harassment
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Complaints and Grievances
  • Copyright Notice

Go to the Student Resources module to review further resources and information.

Support & Help

If you need assistance, visit the Help tab located on the left-hand side of your screen to contact the appropriate support center. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due