Course Syllabus


  • Observe experimental techniques used in the chemistry laboratory.
  • Perform calculations using data collected from laboratory measurements.
  • Explain the chemical principles that are the basis for laboratory techniques.
  • Describe the usefulness of laboratory techniques for solving scientific problems.


This course is an online introduction to chemistry lab that demonstrates principles of chemistry and laboratory techniques. Participation in the course requires watching video recordings, taking notes, recording data, completing homework problems, and completing quizzes.

Learning Model Architecture

It is important you understand the approach to online learning used at BYU-Idaho. Familiarize yourself with this by viewing the Orientation to Online Learning at BYU-Idaho (also provided in the Week 01 Module). Be aware this is not an independent study course. You progress through the course activities along with your classmates; do not expect to work through the course at your own pace.

As in all BYU-Idaho courses (both on campus and online), the structure of this course is founded on the BYU-I Learning Model. It utilizes the key steps of Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder and Prove. In most weeks, the Learning Model steps will be implemented in the following ways:


  • Watch instructional videos that describe and demonstrate chemistry principles.
  • Keep a notebook with questions or comments about the videos.
  • Complete study guides that contain activities and problems related to the weekly topics.

Teach One Another

  • You are strongly encouraged to meet in a study group and work through study guide problems together.
  • Participate in the weekly Support Forum (optional) where you give and receive help for study guide problems and other questions.

Ponder & Prove

  • Take a quiz each week.
  • Submit essays each week.


Completion of or concurrent enrollment in FDMAT 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, or 119.

Required Materials

  • A notebook for taking notes
  • A scientific calculator

Note: This course does not use a textbook. Content is primarily delivered through videos contained in the course.

Course Navigation

Navigate the course using the Modules view (or navigate to specific modules from the Home page). The I-Learn Calendar and To Do List provide helpful reminders, but you will have a more cohesive experience if your primary means of navigation is through the Modules view.

Grading Policies

A significant part of your grade is based on your ability to submit assessments on time, read and follow instructions, pay attention to detail, and avoid simple mistakes. There is no make up for failure to complete an assessment by the scheduled due date and time.

  • Study Guides: The objectives and questions for each week are available as part of a study guide document. You are encouraged to meet in a study group and work through the problems together. Study guides are not submitted or graded. However, they are designed to specifically prepare you to do well on the weekly assessments (quizzes and essay questions). You are allowed to use your study guides on quizzes and essays, so be sure to have your study guide answers on hand while completing those assessments. If you have difficulty completing a study guide, seek help before starting the quiz and essay activities for the week. You may seek help by making a post to the Support Forum (a discussion in each week of the course) or contacting a tutor, classmate, and/or your instructor.
  • Support Forums: You may pose questions regarding the week's material and study guide questions in the weekly Support Forums (I-Learn discussions).
  • Quizzes: Each week has one quiz with 10 multiple choice questions. You may use your study guide and notes, but not other people, while taking quizzes.
  • Essay Questions: Weekly essays consists of five short response questions based on the instructional videos. While writing your essay responses, you may use your study guide, notes, and course resources, but not other people.

Grade Breakdown

  • Quizzes: 32%
  • Essays: 68%

Grading Standards

From the BYU-Idaho Catalog:

  • A represents outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Demonstrates diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.
  • B represents considerable/significant understanding, application, and incorporation of the material which would prepare a student to be successful in next level courses, graduate school or employment. The student participates in the Learning Model as applied in the course.
  • C represents sufficient understanding of subject matter. The student demonstrates minimal initiative to be prepared for class. Sequenced courses could be attempted, but mastering new materials might prove challenging. The student participates only marginally in the Learning Model.
  • D represents poor performance and initiative to learn and understand and apply course materials. Retaking a course or remediation may be necessary to prepare for additional instruction in this subject matter.
  • F represents failure in the course.

Grade Scale

Letter Grade Percentage Range
A 93%–100%
A- 90%–92.9%
B+ 87%–89.9%
B 83%–86.9%
B- 79%–82.9%
C+ 75%–78.9%
C 70%–74.9%
C- 65%–69.9%
D+ 60%–64.9%
D 55%–59.9%
D- 50%–54.9%
F 0%–49.9%


BYUI Academic Support Center offers tutoring for campus and online students. Request a tutor and experience greater course understanding.

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office at (208) 496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Disability Services Office.

This course may require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Disability Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for these meetings, please contact the deaf and hard of hearing coordinator at (208) 496-9219.

Other University Policies

Student Honor and Other Policies

Please read through the document called University Policies. It gives important information about the following topics:

  • Student Honor
    • Academic Honesty
    • Student Conduct
      • Sexual Harassment
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Complaints and Grievances
  • Copyright Notice

Go to the Student Resources module to review further resources and information.


This syllabus is for the guidance of students only and is not a legal contract between BYU-Idaho, the instructor(s) and the students. Changes in the course, its content, procedures, grade computation, or assignments may occur due to the sole discretion of the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus at any time during the semester in order to adapt to changing course needs. You will be notified prior to any changes that may take place.

Copyright Notice

All materials provided through participation in this course are protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code). These materials are only for the use of students enrolled in this course for purposes associated with this course and may not be retained or further disseminated.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due