MATH 111 Trigonometry - Syllabus


Precalculus: Functions and Graphs (4th Ed.) ebook, by Mark Dugopolski. MyMathLab (MML)

This E-Text can be accessed through MyMathLab. After the add/drop date (about one week after the first day of classes) your school account will be charged a $64 fee for the MyMathLab course.


A scientific calculator is recommended for this course; however, before you purchase one, please take note that there is a calculator built into the MyMathLab software for the course that can be used on homework. If you plan to take calculus (FDMAT 112) online, a TI 36X Pro will be required, so it is suggested that you use it for both classes.

Course Description/Objectives

This course studies the six trigonometric functions and their inverses. Topics include: measuring triangles, vectors, graphs, and solving equations. Applications of trigonometry will be emphasized throughout the course.

  1. Define the six trigonometric relaitonships using the unit circle and right triangles. Understand the restricted range values of the inverse trigonometric functions.
  2. Understand the development of the basic trigonometric identities and how to prove identities.
  3. Solve trigonometric equations and triangle applications for both right and non-right triangles.
  4. Understand how trigonometry relates to vectors and polar coordinates.


A score of 23 or higher on the ACT math portion or an SAT math score of 540 or higher, Math 101 with a grade of "B" or higher, or a score of at least 55 on the ALEKS test.

Preparation Time

Principle Five of the BYU-Idaho Learning Model states, “Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho love, serve, and teach one another." In order to incorporate this aspect of the Learning Model in our course, it is important all students prepare and participate. Adequately prepared students should expect to spend a minimum of 12 hours per week for Math 111. Many of the concepts taught and learned in Math 111 require a solid background in high school algebra or Math 101 (a grade of “B” or higher). If you have not met this requirement, you should consider a different course or be willing to put in extra time to be successful in this course.


Exams (3) 60%
Quizzes 15%
Homework 15%
Preparation/Group Work 10%
Total 100%

Grading Scale:

93-100% = A

90-92 = A-

87-89 = B+

83-86 = B

80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+

73-76 = C

70-72 = C-

67-69 = D+

63-66 = D

60-62 = D-

Below 60 = F


There will be three exams given during the semester (see schedule for the dates) worth a total of 60% of your overall grade. Two of the exams will have an online component and a handwritten component.


Quizzes will be given most weeks; a group quiz and an individual quiz. You are allowed to use your book, notes, and calculator, but you are not allowed to use any outside resource, including tutors and solutions manuals, for help on these.


Homework will be assigned for each lesson from MyMathLab (MML). Homework is due Saturday at 10:59 PM MST. Homework will be automatically graded upon submission.  Late homework for full credit will not be accepted; however, it will be accepted for partial credit until the closing date of the test that it pertains to. The two lowest overall homework scores will be dropped at the end of the semester. You are strongly encouraged to study together and work together on homework assignments. However, you each must submit your own assignment in your own words and should thoroughly understand everything you submit. Although you will submit your homework online, it is recommended that you keep a homework notebook. This notebook should include organized and written out solutions to the homework problems to help you organize your mathematical thoughts and use as a study guide for quizzes and exams.


Before each group meeting (see Group Work) you will complete a preparation assignment that is designed to enable you to teach one another during group work. Completion of individual preparation will enable students to meaningfully participate with their group members each week. Directions and materials for these assignments will be on I-Learn. Preparation assignments may include videos, readings, checkpoints, practice problems, etc. 

Group Work

You will meet with your group weekly. You will be required to participate during the group meetings (e.g., ask questions, provide responses, add to discussion, work on assignments, etc.).

Getting Help

The best way to be prepared is to do the homework and preparation assignments. Math is something you learn by doing, so it is critical to do the homework. You won't know what you understand and where you need to improve until you step out in faith and try the problems. The following strategies are recommended for obtaining math assistance. Review all materials and resources provided for the course. Take advantage of your group meetings. Get together regularly to do homework and discuss material for the class. Visit your instructor during office hours. Visit your teaching assistant during office hours.

Honor Code

All students are expected to adhere to the honor code, including dress and grooming standards. Please follow appropriate boundaries by ensuring that all work you submit is your own and is submitted in your own words.

Students with Disabilities

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students are entitled to “reasonable accommodations.” It is the student’s responsibility to disclose to the instructor any special need he/she has before the end of the first week of classes. If you have any disability that may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact Disabilities Services at (208) 496-9210. Services are coordinated with the student and the instructor through this office.


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sexual discrimination against any participant in an educational program. Title IX covers student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please contact the Personnel Office at (208) 496-9200.


This syllabus and the class schedule may be altered at the discretion of the instructor at any time and any changes will be reviewed in class.