BUS 100: Career Development


Note: This course code has changed from B 100 to BUS 100. You may occasionally see references to the old course code or title.

Course Description

This course is designed to help new students prepare for meaningful business-related internships and careers within the context of becoming disciple leaders. Key areas of focus are:

  1. How to network effectively using such tools as LinkedIn.
  2. Preparing for and conducting effective Informational Interviews with mentors.
  3. Using BYU-I resources to conduct industry and company analyses.
  4. Preparing a 4-year graduation plan.

The collective goal at the end of the course is that you will be armed with knowledge, resources and tools to help you achieve your full potential.

“They will be natural leaders who know how to teach and how to learn. They will have the power to innovate and improve without requiring more of what money can buy. Those graduates of BYU‐Idaho will become ... legendary for their capacity to build the people around them and to add value wherever they serve.”

Henry B. Eyring, “A Steady Upward Course”, BYU‐Idaho Devotional, 2001

Course Objectives

  1. Gain a better understanding of the mission of BYU-Idaho and further your development in becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ.
  2. Expand your understanding of the main functional areas of business and the careers associated with them.
  3. Gain an understanding of the Business Management program.
  4. Gain an understanding of what is needed to prepare for a chosen career.
  5. Be able to make a better informed decision on career and academic plans.
  6. Learn how to effectively network with business professionals.
  7. Prepare a professional resume.

Required Materials

Course Navigation

Begin each week by reading your instructor's announcement. Then work through each activity in order from the start of each lesson to its conclusion. Each week ends with a learning reflection activity to help you identify what you are learning and how you are applying your learning.

Assignment Expectations

It is expected that you will demonstrate academic honesty and integrity throughout this course (and your life!).

It is also expected that you will demonstrate professionalism by completing your best work and submitting it on or before all course deadlines. This means you may need to review each lesson at the beginning of the week and ask any questions that arise in a timely manner to ensure you can complete your best work by the deadlines.

Lastly, it is expected that you will learn much and enjoy your time in BUS 100!

Assignment Descriptions

Career Explorations and Key Terms

It is important to be able to understand and use key terms when speaking with professionals. Therefore, as you study various business career options, you will also learn key terms used in each field. As you learn about each career path, consider which options are of interest to you and which are not. Also consider the reasons you like and dislike each option to learn more about best career fit.

Academic Exploration

As you consider your desired career path, you will align your academic plans to help realize your goals. You will complete several academic exploration assignments including using BYU-I tools to create a Grad Plan. 

Discussion Boards

The ability to engage with both classmates and your instructor is a key component to the learning model at BYU‐I, because it provides an opportunity to deepen your learning while loving and serving your classmates.

Each discussion board provides the opportunity for you to share your personal thoughts and insights as well as learning from the perspectives of your classmates and engaging with them. In the lessons that contain discussions, you should post your initial response by the midweek due date. Then you should respond to a minimum of two other classmates by the end-of-week due date. 

Understand that fulfilling the minimum requirement of an initial post and two response posts does not mean you will earn full credit. Since student-to-student interaction is so important to your learning experience, thoughtful and meaningful posts, following all instructions, and completing your work on time will ensure full credit. Points will be deducted for posts that do not address all the questions, do not demonstrate appropriate effort in answering, are not respectful, or that have spelling and grammar errors. 

Mentor Interviews

You will interview three mentors at intervals throughout the semester. Mentors are people you respect or admire and would like to learn from and with whom you would like to build a relationship. Each interview will only last between 15-20 minutes and can be conducted in person, over the phone, in a web conference, or in a video chat.

There are specific parameters regarding who you may and may not interview included in the instructions in the course. After each interview, you will write a reflection paper to capture your learning from the interview. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn from your mentors. 

Industry, Company, and Position Analyses

Since career exploration is a major focus of this course, you will complete three, brief analysis papers to help you explore some career options.

In the first paper you will explore an industry that is of interest to you. An industry is usually made up of many companies who sell similar products/services. Two examples are the airline industry (comprised of many airline companies) and the auto industry.

Next you will analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and trends that affect a company for whom you might like to work.

In your last paper, you will explore a specific role you might like to fill for a particular company within an industry. For example, "I would like to work as a financial analyst for Wal-Mart in the Finance Department in the Retail Industry." You will conduct some research to gain a better understanding of that particular position such as the level of education you need, the salary you can expect, and the job responsibilities.


At the end of the semester, you will reflect upon and gather your learning into a springboard document. This document includes things such as your resume, LinkedIn profile, analysis papers, mentor interview summary, and grad plan that you complete as course assignments during the semester. It concludes with a reflection on your learning and an action plan. The purpose of this project is to celebrate your success while reflecting on your efforts and discoveries during the course.

Overall Course Grading

Your grade will be calculated by dividing the number of points you earn by the total points possible in the course. There are 1000 points possible. You can see a full list of each assignment and the associated number of points possible. Below is a list of the weightier assignments. 

Important Reminders

Time Commitment

BYU-Idaho designs courses for the average student to spend 3-4 hours per week for each credit of courses to obtain a B grade. Since this is a 1 credit course, and if you are an average student who desires to earn about a B grade, you should reserve 3-4 hours per week. You may need to adjust that estimate depending if you need more or less time (or are aiming for an A grade).

Late Work

All due dates are listed in the Introduction page of each week's lesson. Turning work in on time is a sign of professionalism and late work will not be accepted. 

Note: If you have a rare emergency such as a birth or death in the family, car accident, natural disaster, or hospitalization, please contact your instructor as soon as the emergency arises to discuss the situation.

University Policies

Academic Honesty

All BYU‐Idaho instructors expect the highest levels of academic integrity from their students. Those failing to demonstrate academic integrity will be referred to the Student Honor Office.

Review the university policy regarding academic integrity to see definitions of plagiarism, cheating, and other academic misconduct. You will also find a list of procedures your instructor might take as well as details about the Student Honor Office. 

Honor Code

One of the major goals at BYU‐Idaho is that of providing quality educational opportunities in a rich spiritual environment. To obtain this desired level of spiritual influence, you are asked to observe all points of the Code of Honor including the dress and grooming standards. Please remember the commitment you made to live the Code of Honor when you signed your application to BYU‐Idaho. 

Review the honor code, Dress & Grooming and Student Life links below to ensure you are clear on the expectations from BYU‐I.

Disability Services

In compliance with applicable disability law, qualified students with a disability maybe entitled to a reasonable accommodation. It is the student’s responsibility to disclose to the teacher any special need he or she may have before the end of the first week of class.

In order for students to qualify for a reasonable accommodation, they must contact Disability Services. Please refer to the University Policies page in the course for full details and contact information.

Sexual Harassment, Complaints and Grievances

Refer to the University Policies page in the course for full details on these important policies.

This syllabus is subject to change, based on the demands (learning or otherwise) of this course, the university, and the students in the class. As such it is your responsibility to check your University e‐mail daily and refer to the most current copy of the syllabus on I-learn.