B 215 - Spreadsheet Analysis for Business


What students should KNOW by the end of the semester:

What students should be able to DO by the end of the semester:

What students can BECOME by the end of the semester:


Students will acquire, develop and apply spreadsheet analysis skills to help address today’s business challenges. Using Microsoft Excel, students will acquire these skills by individually completing spreadsheet tutorials and assignments. Students will then develop and apply their skills in a wide range of mini-projects, exams, and an original final project. The mini-projects and exams, which are designed to be realistic and representative of business activities students might encounter in the workplace, will include elements of finance, marketing, and supply chain management.

Learning Model Architecture


Students will individually work through the assignments and tutorial videos to learn the skills in outlined in the document.

Teach One Another:

Students can collaborate in Google Hangouts on the Mini-projects and the in class discussion where they put to use the skills they have learned in the assignments and videos.


Students will individually complete 5 Exams creating data bases with functionality and information using skills learned through the assignments, mini-projects, collaboration, and extra practice.

Required Materials

Microsoft Excel (version 2013 or later; version 2016 recommended)

This can be downloaded free for BYU-Idaho students from atspan style="color: black;">http://www.byui.edu/information-technology/help-categories/microsoft-office

This must be a Windows version. If you own a MAC computer you must install Windows and run Excel through Windows. The MAC version of Excel will not work for this class.

Grading Policies

No student submissions will be accepted late. If a submission is late due to a medical emergency or family tragedy, send an email to your instructor as soon as possible. The best way to work with the class schedule is to work ahead whenever possible to give you flexibility for the regular life happenings. Trips home, etc. are not excuses for late work unless emergencies exist.

Grades will be based on the following point system (1000 points total):


Excel assignments will be based on the concepts covered in the Excel tutorials videos. The assignments must be completed individually, without any collaboration with other people.


Collaborative activity called a mini-project will be completed by each student. These mini-projects will give students the opportunity to apply spreadsheet skills learned previously in the semester in a business or other useful context. The mini-projects must be completed by each individual. However, students are allowed to collaborate in small groups as mini-projects are being completed individually. Students can set up times to meet other in Google Hangouts to work and talk about the Mini-Projects.Remember each student must do their OWN work this is only to help share ideas.

EXAMS - 400 points

Exams are individual projects that are scheduled throughout the semester according to the course schedule. All exams must be completed individually without any collaboration with others.Questions about Exams may only be directed to the instructor. Students may not work together, share ideas, or in any other way collaborate on the exams.

Final Project-Exam 5 - 100 points

You will be creating a project using Excel to help someone. This can be a work related project, something to help with a calling- tracking scout information or other type of information, something for your household, or volunteer, charity, or public organization. For full instructions see Personal Application Project Exam #5.

Class Schedule

There 2 due dates each week. Most students due dates will land on Tuesday and Friday. However, we are an international school so it is important to check your class calendar for the due date and time in your time zone.be sure you have set the correct time zone in I-Learn 3 for your account.This is a printable copy of the schedule to use as a guide as you plan out your class.B215 Schedule.xlsx

Grading Scale:

93% - 100% = A

80% - 82.99% = B-

67% - 69.99% = D+

90% - 92.99% = A-

77% - 79.99% = C+

63% - 66.99% = D

87% - 89.99% = B+

73% - 76.99% = C

60% - 62.99% = D-

83% - 86.99% = B

70% - 72.99% = C-

below 60.0% = F


An important part of this class is what you can learn from other students. Keep in mind that you will be doing assignments and Exams on your own.However, the mini-projects are meant to be a learn and teach one another place. You must do all your own work in the mini projects but you can work together, ask questions, meet in Google Hangouts, the in class discussion board, and so on. This will allow you to share ideas, learning, and knowledge from the group and will grow your knowledge base in a way that simple practice never could. Be sure to take advantage of this in an honest way- learning while still doing your own work.


The instructor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus at any time during the semester in order to adapt to changing course needs. You will be notified prior to any changes that may take place.