MKT 341: Syllabus

Note: This course code has changed from B 341 to BUS 341. You may occasionally see references to the old course code or title.


Course Description

This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to marketing management issues and principles. Topics include market segmentation, positioning, market research and consumer behavior, product strategy, promotion strategy, pricing, and distribution strategy. Principles are applied to small and large firms, domestic and international companies, and consumer or industrial products or services.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, successful students should be able to:

1. Identify the most viable target segments for a product or service.

2. Choose an appropriate research tool when given a particular business need.

3. List the critical steps in new product/service creation and deployment.

4. Explain principles needed to develop a strong brand positioning.

5. Create an integrated marketing campaign to strengthen a brand.

6. Apply the principles of pricing.

7. Explain the role that distribution plays in the marketing mix.

Learning Model Architecture

The weekly cycle will include Prepare activities from the online textbook resources, a case study, and other supplemental materials. Small group discussions on the prepared topics will encourage the students to Teach One Another. Finally, each week will have a learning quiz and a reflection journal that gives the student an opportunity to Ponder and Prove. Three team projects are woven into the course so you can apply what you have learned to a real world situation.


Course Texts

Marketing Defined, Explained and Applied by Michael Levens. 2nd edition 2010. $100.00.

(EBOOK AVAILABLE ONLINE VIA COURSESMART FOR $45.33. Hardcopies range from $30-$60.) ISBN-10: 0132177153 ISBN-13: 978-0132177153


Please work with your advisor to determine pre-requisites for this course and if you qualify.


Grading Categories Points
Quizzes - multiple choice (10 x 20, 2 X 10) 220 pts
Teach One Another Discussion Boards (11 x 20 ) 220 pts
Individual Assignments (4 x 20) 80 pts
Team Project Preparation Assignments (1x20) 20 pts
Projects - Team Marketing Projects (2 x 100, 1x150) 350 pts
Reflection Journal Entries (13 x 10) 130 pts
Total 1020 pts

Grading Scale

Grading Scale
94% - 100% = A 90% - 93.9% = A- 87% - 89.9% = B+
84% - 86.9% = B 80% - 83.9% = B- 77% - 79.9% = C+
74% - 76.9% = C 70% - 73.9% = C- 67% - 69.9% = D+
64% - 66.9% = D 60% - 63.9% = D- Below 60.0% = F

TYPICAL WEEKLY TIMING - (see Calendar for times)

Due Date 1 - Wednesday 11:00 pm MT Mountain Time (MT)

Due Date 2 - Friday 11:00 pm MT

Due Date 3 - Saturday 11:00 pm MT

Team project final submissions close Saturday night


Late assignments

Will generally not be accepted because in most cases they require you to be involved with teammates in group discussion boards or share your case write-up with them for their comment. If an assignment is late due to a medical emergency or family tragedy, email me and we will work together to resolve your issue. Trips home, weddings, family vacations, etc. are not excuses for late work unless emergencies exist, so plan accordingly. You may turn work in early if you will be away from internet access and can't complete an assignment online while away.

Note on case write-ups

In any given case study, put yourself in the shoes of the people featured in that case study and empathize as best as possible how they are feeling with the specific "quandry" in which they find themselves. We want to see that you are at least making an attempt to think about the broader issues the company in the case study faces- forests from the trees kind-of-thing. Also, avoid the tendency to answer in general, vague platitudes. Be as specific as possible in your answers and ALWAYS provide rationale to support your answers. If a recommendation is requested, be sure to consider multiple alternatives and weigh their pros and cons.

A word about discussion board comments

No points will be given for repetitious comments, so be original. Build upon what has been said or add new thinking. Use your perspectives and personal insights- they are definitely welcome. In general , you should make at least two substantive follow-up comments for each TOA assignment.

Projects 1, 2, and 3

These team projects require a lot of work; teams need to pace themselves in order to get them completed on time in a quality manner. While the projects are due in lessons 6, 10, and 14, many intermediate steps need to be completed in earlier lessons in order to have a quality project prepared by the time it is due. These steps are provided in preceding lessons.

Please take the time at the beginning of the course to review the projects so you know what is coming in the course (project outlines and rubrics can be found in the Course section a few rows below the syllabus).

Suggestion: set up one or two standard live audio or video chat sessions. Most successful groups set up standard live discussion time during the week so they can have the input of all team members in real time. Use discussion boards to supplement these meetings.

Presentation Project #3

As a group, create a PowerPoint presentation. If everyone in your group has access to a webcam, you may use Zoom to create your presentation and record yourselves giving the presentation. If not, you may just record your voices in the presentation as a voice over to a Powerpoint presentation. You will present your project to your instructor during the last week of the semester.

Participation in team projects

Carry your weight! Team project scores can be adjusted by the instructor based on feedback from group members. You will learn much more if you are integrally involved. If you fail to turn in a team evaluation, you may have points deducted from your project score.

Standard Code of Conduct

DEMAND THE HIGHEST ETHICAL STANDARDS FROM YOURSELF. Do your own work. Cheating, plagiarism, and other cases of intellectual dishonesty will not be tolerated, and will be referred to the Department and Dean.

TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK. Business leaders know that everything they present to the public reflects on them and their organization. Long-term success comes only to companies and individuals who produce the highest quality products and services, and deliver them in a timely fashion. Every assignment, case and project is an expression of the pride you take in yourself and your work. Make every effort to write well, meet deadlines, and take the time to make both the format and the content of your work of the highest quality. This may mean writing one more draft, double checking spelling and grammar.


Be Prepared - Unprepared managers have very short careers (or end up in dead-end jobs). To succeed, you need to prepare for each class lesson and team project discussion. Nothing shows less respect for others than making them wait while you do something you were supposed to have done in advance.

Show Respect - Professionalism also means being civil to those with whom you disagree. In business, you will find that you must work with people with conflicting opinions or personal styles. Your ability to work with, tolerate, and effectively interact with these individuals is critical to your success.

Get Involved - Professionalism means keeping up with the discussion. It means making a meaningful contribution, not a token effort.


Online Support Center

The Online Support Center (OSC) is designed to help any students taking online courses at BYU-Idaho. If you have questions about any online course or any feedback concerning online courses, instructors, or your online learning experience please contact the OSC.

OSC Contact Information

Phone: 208-496-1411

Text Messaging: 855-808-7102


Live Chat: Click Here

Website: Online Support Center

Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 AM - 7 PM, MST


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