Explore 4.30 Molding Fish into Mammals

Learning Objectives

By the time you have completed the 4.30. Introduction & Exploration Activities, you should be able to:

  • Understand the basic innovations of these organisms and be able to identify the opportunities, obstacles, and adaptations that characterize the transitions between them: lobe-finned fishes with lungs, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
  • Describe the body parts/genes in amphibians, reptiles, and mammals (including humans) that are homologous to those that build bone, teeth, and scales in fishes. Also, describe the body parts/genes in mammals, dinosaurs, and birds that are homologous to those that build scales in reptiles.

Transitions Between States/Body Forms

Understand the basic innovations (new features) and identify the opportunities, obstacles, and adaptations that characterize each of these transitions between states/body forms: lobe-finned fishes with lungs to amphibians, amphibians to reptiles, and reptiles to mammals.

Evolution in Action

Below, give an obstacle or opportunity and the development of adaptations that would drive the transitions from lobe-finned to amphibians, from amphibians to reptiles, and from reptiles to mammals.


Low oxygen in water or oxygen in air

Lobe finned fish to amphibian adaptation


Food along coastlines

Lobe finned fish to amphibian adaptation


Food on shore

Lobe finned fish to amphibian adaptation


Hearing out of water

Lobe finned fish to amphibian adaptation


Desiccation, Abrasion,Protection from sunlight

Amphibian to reptile adaptation


Hard, dry terrestrial environments

Amphibian to reptile adaptation


Reproduction outside of water

Amphibian to reptile adaptation


Greater variety of food

Amphibian to reptile adaptation


Lose heat easily, cannot regulate body temperature

Reptile to mammal adaptation


Move inefficiently and slowly

Reptile to mammal adaptation


Process food ineffectively

Reptile to mammal adaptation


Hear poorly

Reptile to mammal adaptation


Cannot move far from the nest while incubating and protecting eggs

Reptile to mammal adaptation

Genes in Animals Similar to Fishes

Describe the body parts/genes in amphibians, reptiles, and mammals (including humans) that are homologous to those that build bone, teeth, and scales in fishes. Also, describe the body parts/genes in mammals, dinosaurs, and birds that are homologous to those that build scales in reptiles.

Gene function

Limbs in lobe finned fish

Gene function in descendants

Gene function

Scale production in fish

Gene function in descendants

Gene function

Skin production in fish

Gene function in descendants

Gene function

Reptile scales

Gene function in descendants

Gene function

Nervous system in fish

Gene function in descendants