Art 130 | Intro to Graphic Design

Art130 Syllabus

Welcome to Introduction to Graphic Design. This is a rigorous course that teaches you how to follow the process graphic designers use to solve problems.

General Information


  1. Explain the elements and principles of design, demonstrate how they work, and identify when they are being used well.
  2. Demonstrate basic characteristics and rules of typography and explain how these relate to the principles of design.
  3. Develop solid solutions to design problems by effectively following a basic design process.
  4. Demonstrate a high level of craftsmanship and explain its role in all areas of Graphic Design.
  5. Explain basic vocabulary terms used in the design industry and use those terms to write and speak articulately about graphic design.
  6. Explain the basic purposes of standard software tools and use these tools to produce graphic design.


Art Major, Web Design & Development Major, Cluster, or instructor permission

Time Expectation

Plan on 9 to 12 hrs per week to complete each module.


The weekly schedule will be the same throughout the course. There is one major deadline that you need to meet each week on Friday at 11:59 PM. This deadline is for a completed process book for each module.

Tuesday-Friday 11:59 PM

Work on the module. Once all pages are complete in the module export a PDF and submit it as a single file on iLearn

Office Hours

Office hours will be held once a week (please see your instructors profile for office hours). Students can submit work in progress for live feedback. The sessions will be recorded for use by all of the class members.

Friday 11:59 PM

Module PDF is due as well as discussion posts.

Saturday - Monday 11:59 PM

Give and receive feedback


This class contains three parts. Each part is intended to expose you to different skills and each is meant to support and reinforce the other. Grade weighting, approximate weekly homework time, and assignment due dates/times for each module are listed below:


Weight: 60% of final grade

Process Books

Weight: 20% of final grade

Reading Quizzes

Weight: 10% of final grade


Weight: 10% of final grade

Supply List

This course requires the following materials. All materials should be exactly as specified except for the drawing tools. We have selected the following brands for their reliable output quality. You are graded on quality of sketch, so keep this in mind when purchasing supplies for this course:


A Module covers a unit of time, usually a week. This course is divided into 14 modules.

During each module you will have projects to work on, reading to complete, quizzes to take, and discussions to participate in. Make sure you review what is due at the beginning of each module. Pay attention to deadlines and follow all directions for submitting your work.

Project Information

The projects you will be completing for this course are the most important parts of the course. Everything else you learn during the course this semester will help you create successful projects. As projects are introduced over the course of the semester the Project Information section of the module will provide instruction.

Process book

A template of the final process book has been created using Adobe InDesign. The process book consists of several parts including cover, project, activity, and ponder pages.

The process book is completed and submitted at the end of each module. At the end of the semester all of the files will be compiled for a completed PDF book.

The process book templates can be downloaded from iLearn > Art130 > Downloads.

The process book files in the Downloads folder are saved as IDML files. IDML files are InDesign documents that can be opened in any version of Adobe InDesign that is newer than CS4. IDML files always open with the title Untitled. One of the first things you should always do is rename the document. Please use the following naming system :

Some recommendations and suggestions:


Once the process book is complete export it as an Interactive PDF. The specifications are:


Upload the completed process book PDF in ilearn. This is for the instructor to give feedback and grade the process book.


Peer feedback is an important part of this course. Each week create a post that contains three questions for which you would like feedback and attach your process book PDF.


Review the postings of your peers, the questions and process book PDF. Comment on the work of at least 3 of your peers focusing on the questions they addressed in their initial post.

Grading Policies

Grade Categories Defined

For this course grades have been designed to give you important feedback concerning your development as a designer.

A = Distinguished and represents consistently outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems.

B = Proficient and represents considerable or significant understanding, application, and incorporation of the material which would prepare a student to be successful in next level courses, graduate school, or employment.

C = Developing and represents sufficient understanding of subject matter. The student demonstrates average initiative to be prepared for class. Sequenced courses can be attempted, but mastering new materials might prove challenging.

D = Unsatisfactory and represents poor performance and initiative to learn and understand and apply course materials. Retaking a course or remediation may be necessary to prepare for additional instruction in this subject matter.

F represents failure in the course.

Final Project Grading Policies

Final Projects are worth 60% of your overall grade. Your project grade is calculated as follows:

40% — Creativity and Exploration

40% — Design Quality

20% — Craftsmanship and Following Directions

20% — Submitting the project on-time

Module Process Book Grading Policies

Module Process Books worth 20% of your overall grade. Your Module Process Book grade is calculated as follows:

90% — Completing all of the work required in the Module Process Book

10% — Submitting the Module Process Book on-time

Reading Grading Policies

Reading, quizzes, and tests are worth 10% of your overall grade. Your Reading grade is calculated as follows:

75% — Cumulative weekly quiz scores (quizzes are open book)

25% — Cumulative Midterm and Final Exam

Discussion Grading Policies

Class Discussions are worth 10% of your overall grade. Your Discussion grade is calculated as follows:

25% — Posting work correctly and on-time

75% — Providing helpful feedback to peers

Re-submitting Work (Repentance)

If you are unsatisfied with the quality of a final project (that was turned in on-time), you may re-do the project as often as you like prior to the last two weeks of class and receive a new grade (please provide both the original and the reworked projects). This repentance policy applies only to the projects created for this course (not quizzes, tests, or discussion board participation). The highest grade for each assignment will be the only grade recorded. If you receive a lower grade for a re-do, your grade for the project will remain unchanged. If your grade for the re-do improves, your grade on that project will be replaced with the better grade.

When submitting a redo for a final project, please submit the original project, the redo, and the revised process book including any additional research, sketches, digital versions, etc. You will need to set up a time to meet with your teacher and present your revised assignment.

Late Work

Final projects that are NOT handed in on-time will receive a 2 letter-grade deduction in score and will not be allowed to be redone for a better grade.

Weekly process books (work done leading up to the final version of a project) can NOT be redone for a better grade.


In-Class Policy:

For students enrolled in the online version of this course, the attendance guidelines developed by the university apply.


Emails & Announcements

Information regarding the class, class projects, assignments, etc., will be posted to our I-Learn site at various points throughout the semester. Sometimes updated information will be emailed to everyone in the class. Remember to check your campus email often. “I’m not prepared because I don’t check that email account or visit I-Learn” is not an acceptable excuse.

Syllabus Updates

This syllabus may be updated periodically during the semester as long as the instructor posts an announcement notifying students of the change/clarification.

This is a dynamic class so it is always in flux. If you find information on iLearn that contradicts what your teacher said in class ALWAYS follow your teacher’s instructions. The hierarchy of instruction to follow is:

What the teacher says > iLearn > downloads/templates from iLearn

This is important to remember. If you have questions about what to do when you come across contradictory information just ask your teacher.