FDENG 301 Syllabus

Course Description

The goal of Foundations English 301 is to help students learn how to reason carefully and express ideas clearly. The required assignments focus on argument and persuasion - specifically on analyzing, synthesizing, and formulating arguments. Assignments will be formatted according to MLA style.


Students in FDENG 301 must have completed FDENG 101 (or its equivalent at another university) and must have accumulated 22 college credits.

Course Outcomes

Foundations of English 301

Students will...


No fees or material costs are required. All course materials are accessed through the course.

Course Structure

This is a rigorous course! You will need to make sure you plan your time accordingly to complete each of the necessary assignments in a timely manner. Make sure to READ all of the instructions and assignments that are in the course before you submit any assignments.

This course is structured into 4 units:

Each unit has a variety of lessons (38 lessons in total) that are broken down into readings, videos, quizzes, writing assignments, and other activities that support the unit topics and course outcomes. Most of the weeks will have 3 lessons to complete. Plan on spending 3-4 hours to complete each lesson. Make sure that you carefully read the instructions for each lesson and submit all that is required. You must stay on track so that you don't get behind.

Required Papers

You will write three major papers for this course. You will choose one topic for the semester and research and write about that topic from three viewpoints throughout the semester.

Rhetorical Analysis: Students examine the rhetorical features and effectiveness of an essay (1500 words/5-6 pages).

Synthesis: Students engage two articles along with their own independent thinking and create a new idea (1500 words/5-6 pages).

Researched Argument: Students present reasons for a claim they have about a controversial issue (3000 words/10-12 pages).

To facilitate learning, the required papers submitted in FDENG 301 must be new papers; students may not "recycle" or reuse papers originally written for other courses. Students are also asked to observe the Academic Honesty Policy by doing their own work and not plagiarizing.

Due Dates

See Calendar for due dates. A course schedule is available within your course. Please make sure to refer to it often to make sure that you are appropriately using your time. Multiple submissions are permitted, though only the last submission will be graded.

Late Work Policy

Late work is not accepted on the 38 lessons - even though students may sometimes need to do "old, missed" assignments in order to complete a current lesson. Instructors may, at their discretion, accept late work when there are circumstances clearly beyond the student's control.

Papers submitted after the prescribed due date that will receive a 10% penalty per day. No papers will be accepted after the end of the semester.


Submission of Lesson Assignments (quiz at end of every lesson) 161 pts.
Discussion Boards 13 pts.
Reading Quizzes 33 pts.
Exercises (submitted as a quiz) 4 pts.
Assignment Submissions 10 pts.
Rhetorical Analysis Paper 100 pts.
Synthesis Paper 100 pts.
Researched Argument Paper 200 pts.
TOTAL POINTS 621 points

Extra Credit Option

Students will have the opportunity to receive a few points extra credit by attending an instructor/student conference during Lesson 31 or 32.

Grade Scale

(A) 93%-100%

(A-) 90%-92%

(B+) 87%-89%

(B) 83%-86%

(B-) 80%-82%

(C+) 77%-79%

(C) 73%-76%

(C-) 70%-72%

(D+) 67%-69%

(D) 63%-66%

(D-) 60%-62%

(F) 0%-59%

Additional Information

University Policies

Reasonable Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University Idaho provides reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities pursuant to applicable disability law.

Information regarding services for BYUI students with disabilities may be found at http://www.byui.edu/disabilities

Disability Services

156 & 158 McKay Library, East Wing


Rexburg, ID 83460-0425

(208) 496-9210

(208) 496-5210 fax

Email: disabilityservices@byui.edu

All students with needs requiring special accommodations by the teacher are asked to identify themselves to the teach within the first two weeks of class.