University Policies
Student Honor
The Student Honor Code is based upon principles of honesty and integrity. As a PathwayConnect student, you are required to maintain standards of academic integrity and student conduct and encouraged to live by the CES Honor Code.
Academic Honesty
“All among them who know their hearts are honest…are accepted of me” (D&C 97:8).
What is Academic Honesty?
Academic honesty means you do your own work in your classes. True disciples of Jesus Christ are honest in all that they do. Being academically honest in your classes will draw you closer to the Savior and prepare you to act with integrity throughout your life.
You should complete your own work and be evaluated for that work as you seek to be completely honest in all your dealings. You must avoid academic dishonesty in all its forms, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication/falsification. The most common examples of academic dishonesty are copying another person’s work or not acknowledging a source of information.
The use of any language translation software, apps, or online programs, such as Google Translate, in order to translate sentences, paragraphs, or whole essays is not permitted in this course. However, the use of these translation programs to look up a single word or short phrase, is generally allowed.
What Does Academic Honesty Look Like?
What You Should Do: | What You Should NOT Do: |
Always turn in your own work. You will learn more by practicing and doing your own work. | Do not turn in an assignment that another person or program (artificial intelligence) created -- even if that assignment is better than your own. |
Always give proper credit for words and ideas of others. If you learn something from the internet, you need to include a citation indicating where you learned that information. | Do not take credit for words or ideas that are not your own. Words from the internet, books, videos, or a classmate should not be used without a citation. |
Always encourage others to complete their own work. Let those around you know that you are committed to being academically honest and in doing your own work. | Do not allow another student to copy your assignment. Others may ask to copy your work, but doing so is not permitted, even for friends or classmates. |
Always keep the content of quizzes and exams confidential. It is good to prepare for exams in study groups, but you need to keep the content confidential after you have taken it. | Do not share questions or answers from quizzes or exams with other students. You should not tell others answers to a quiz question or share answers for an exam. |
Always be honest about your participation and performance. When self-reporting on your participation or completion of an activity or assignment, always be fully honest even if you do not earn full credit. | Do not lie about your performance or exaggerate about how many points you have earned on self-reported assignments or activities. If you forgot to do an assignment, be honest and accept the consequences. |
What Are the Possible Consequences of Academic Dishonesty?
If you violate these academic honesty policies, your instructor will discuss the issue with you and determine appropriate consequences. Academic dishonesty will be reported to your institution. Depending on the severity of the offense, these consequences may include:
- The opportunity to redo and resubmit an assignment for partial credit
- A failing grade on the assignment
- A failing grade for the entire course
- Suspension (ineligible to take courses for a period of time)
- Expulsion (ineligible to continue taking courses)
Student Conduct
You are to avoid misconduct such as disruptive behavior, abuse of administrative processes and any other inappropriate actions. All forms of harassment (verbal, physical, mental, or sexual), hazing, intimidation, exploitation, or aggressive behavior that threaten or endanger the physical or emotional health and safety of others is prohibited. Behavior such as using profane or abusive language will not be tolerated. Participants behaving in such ways are subject to BYU-Pathway Worldwide disciplinary action including suspension and/or dismissal from PathwayConnect, as well as referral to law enforcement.
Sexual Misconduct
Sexual misconduct is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct of a student or missionary may include denying or limiting the student’s or missionary’s ability to participate in or receive benefits, services, or opportunities in BYU-Pathway Worldwide. The policy against sexual misconduct extends to BYU-Pathway employees, missionaries, and students. If any of these parties encounter sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, or if they need assistance or information related to allegations of sexual harassment, they should contact Pathway Support.
Assistance for Students with Disabilities
While BYU-Pathway Worldwide is not legally required to provide accommodations to students with disabilities, it endeavors to provide reasonable assistance to students who need it. Such assistance is provided voluntarily and in BYU-Pathway’s sole discretion. BYU-Pathway will provide, upon request, speech-to-text or text-to-speech software for students with disabilities. If you are interested in using this software, please contact Pathway Support. If you need other types of assistance, you should communicate directly with your online instructors, missionaries, or local leaders, as appropriate. For more information, see Handbook 8.3.
Complaints and Grievances
If you have specific concerns about your online course or instructor, you are encouraged to contact your instructor first. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, contact Pathway Support.
Copyright Notice
Materials in this BYU-Idaho online course and related sites may be protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code). These materials are only for the use of students enrolled in this course for purposes associated with this course and may not be further disseminated. For more information, please visit
Disclaimer Statement
This syllabus is subject to change by BYU-Pathway Worldwide or the instructor. Any changes will be communicated via email or the course site. Continued enrollment in this course assumes that you have read and understand the information outlined in the syllabus.