Project 13 : Sudoku

Due Saturday at 5:00 PM MST

The final part of the Sudoku Program project is to enforce the rules of Sudoku. This means that there can be only one instance of a given number on a row, column, or inside square.

Where is your board located? prj4.txt
   ?  Show these instructions
   D  Display the board
   E  Edit one square
   S  Show the possible values for a square
   Q  Save and Quit

   A B C D E F G H I
1  7 2 3|     |1 5 9
2  6    |3   2|    8
3  8    |  1  |    2
4    7  |6 5 4|  2
5      4|2   7|3
6    5  |9 3 1|  4
7  5    |  7  |    3
8  4    |1   3|    6
9  9 3 2|     |7 1 4

> s
What are the coordinates of the square: b2
The possible values for 'B2' are: 1, 4, 9

> e
What are the coordinates of the square: b2
What is the value at 'B2': 2
ERROR: Value '2' in square 'B2' is invalid

> q
What file would you like to write your board to: deleteMe.txt

Perhaps the easiest way to do this is in a four-step process:

  1. Start with the code written in Project 12.
  2. Fix any necessary bugs.
  3. Verify your solution with testBed:
    testBed cs124/project13 project13.cpp
  4. Submit it with "Project 13, Sudoku" in the program header.

An executable version of the project is available at:



The grading criteria are:

All modules at "functional cohesion" and loose coupling One minor cohesion or coupling error One bug calling a function or unnecessary data passed between functions Multiple functions exist in the project Only one function used
Program is robust to user errors All edits are perfectly handled One edit is correctly handled Program is interactive No UI
Code is elegant and well thought out Able to enforce all the rules of the game Attempts were made to enforce game rules No rule enforcement
Program passes testBed Looks correct on screen but there are cosmetic test bed errors Data from the board is rendered on screen An attempt was made to do all parts of the project Program output does not resemble the problem definition
Great variable names, no errors, great comments Zero style checker errors A few style checker errors Misleading variable names or gross style errors Little effort was spent on style

Extra Credit

You can earn extra credit with the following:

Submit extra credit attempts to "Project Extra" instead of "Project 13" and use cs124/extraCredit for the test bed.

Alternative to the Final

You can earn 100% on the final exam if you add an option to solve any board. There is no test-bed for this option; please submit those attempts to "Project Final". To get 85% on the final exam, you need to solve a simple board. To get 100%, you need to solve a much harder board. The boards to solve, solutions, and corresponding grades are:

Board to solveSolution to boardGrade
/home/cs124/projects/prjFinal85.txt /home/cs124/projects/prjFinal85Solution.txt 85%
/home/cs124/projects/prjFinal90.txt /home/cs124/projects/prjFinal90Solution.txt 90%