Math 215- Syllabus
Course Coverage: The topics covered include vectors, vector geometry, quadric surfaces, alternative coordinate systems, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, gradient, optimization, multiple integration, vector fields, integral theorems of vector calculus, and applications. Math 214 and 215 cannot both be taken for credit.
Text: The required text for this course is available as part of an online package called MyMathLab (MML). Your student account will be charged after the add/drop date (about one week after the first day of class) in order to have access to MML which is where the textbook, homework, quizzes, and exams for this course are housed. You will learn more details about this during the first week of the semester.
The Learning Model: Please plan to spend about 12-16 hours a week preparing and completing assignments. Assignments will be kept to a minimum to let you decide how to use the rest of your time most efficiently to Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder and Prove.
Prepare: The best way to be prepared is to do the homework in MyMathLab and/or Technology Projects. Math is something you learn by doing, so it is critical to do the homework. You won't know what you understand and where you need to improve until you step out in faith and try the problems.
Teach One Another: Time will be spent teaching each other as quiz corrections will be done in small groups in order to help each other understand the concepts that were missed.
Ponder and Prove: Quizzes and exams provide you with the opportunity to prove you have mastered the concepts we are learning.
Email: Campus email is an official means of communication between the university and the student. From time to time, emails will be sent with announcements and reminders. You are responsible for the content of those emails, so you need to make sure that you check your email and keep your inbox from getting full.
Grades: Your grade will be computed using a weighted average of your work in the following areas.
Grading Area | Percent | Grading Area | Percent |
Exams | 48 | Quizzes | 22 |
Final Exam | 18 | Homework/Summary pages | 6 |
Technology Projects | 3 | Google Hangout on Air |
3 |
Details describing each Grading Area are given later in this syllabus. These ranges will be used in assigning grades:
93-100% A | 90-93% A- | 87-90% B+ | 83-87% B |
80-83% B- | 77-80% C+ | 73-77% C | 70-73% C- |
67-70% D+ | 63-67% D | 60-63% D- | Below 60% F |
Course Structure: The course has been grouped into twelve modules. Each module consists of a few sections that fit together or are centered on a unifying concept. After every module, except the last, there will be a quiz. After every two or three modules, there will be an exam. At the end of the course, there will be a comprehensive final.
Exams: You will take five exams during the semester. All exams but Exam 4 will be proctored. It is your responsibility to secure a proctor and pay for any proctoring fees. Full details are provided in the course.
Quizzes: There will be eleven quizzes, one after each module (except Module 13).
Final Exam: The final exam will be given according to the official schedule. The final will be comprehensive, i.e., it will be over the material covered throughout the entire course, and will be proctored.
Technology Projects: Each week, except weeks where there is an exam, you will explore the topics covered by completing a technology project using symbolic manipulation and graphing software (Mathematica).
Homework: You will complete all homework assignments in MyMathLab. It is vital that you understand how to do each of these problems. If you don't understand a concept please discuss it with your group and/or instructor. Homework is due Saturday at midnight and will be automatically graded upon submission. Late homework for full credit will not be accepted; however, it will be accepted for partial credit until the closing date of the test that it pertains to.
Late Work: Quizzes are due on the given due date and time. After that, the grader rounds up to the next day and takes off 10% for each day late until the graded quiz is given back to anyone in the class. After that, it’s a zero. So, if you were to submit a quiz less than 24 hours after it's due, the grader would take off 10%.
Sloppy Work: Any work submitted that is messy or unreadable will not be accepted.
Honor Code: All students are expected to adhere to the Honor Code, including dress and grooming standards. You are encouraged to work with other students on homework. Resist the temptation to let someone else do the bulk of the work or to rely on student solutions manuals because these will ultimately hinder your ability to learn the material. It is cheating to work on quizzes or tests together the first time, but you may work together on corrections as long as what you submit is your genuine effort (not a mere copy of someone else's effort).
Discrimination: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program. Title IX also covers student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please contact Human Resources, Kimball 240, (208)-496-1700.
Disabilities: In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students are entitled to “reasonable accommodation.” It is the student’s responsibility to disclose to the instructor any special need he/she has before the end of the first week of classes. If you have any disability that may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Disabilities Office, (208)-496-9210. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor through this office.