Oral vs. Written Communication

Introduction to Oral vs. Written Communication

Communication has been studied and taught for thousands of years. Indeed, as far back as 5th century BC, the art of mastering the elements of both oral and written communication dominated much of the curriculum in the schools of Ancient Greece and Rome. Even then, people of power seemed to understand the importance of word-mastery in their professions.

The need for such a skill-set has not changed. Indeed, according to a recent Monster.com survey, employers’ most frequently requested soft skill for potential hires is oral and written communication skills (Monster's 2017 Year in Jobs Report). Unlike a specific skill like being able to write computer code or operate a machine, a soft skill is a skill like being able to communicate, solve problems, or work with other people.

So what can be done to develop this skill, and how will you know how and when to communicate orally or through writing in your desired professional community? Before we explore this deeper, look over these simple summary graphics and try to identify the distinct differences between the two communication styles.

W05 Oral vs. Written Communication: Accessible document

As you can see, while oral and written communication may seem similar on the surface, there are actually quite a few distinct differences. Let’s take a moment to look at just a few in the lesson below.