
PC 103: Week 10 Vocabulary

Vocabulary List

Study Tips

Practice Problems

Use the Vocabulary List above to answer the following questions.

  1. A person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength.
    • athletes
    • cautious
    • expertise
    • credibility
  2. Select the word that best completes the sentence.
    We need to be ___ as we seek truth and choose sources for that search.
    • credibility
    • dishonesty
    • expertise
    • cautious
  3. Select the word that best completes the sentence.
    You will learn how to sift through the information available to you and evaluate it for ___.
    • dishonesty
    • expertise
    • credibility
    • prominent
  4. Taking credit for someone else's work is wrong this is an example of ___.
    • dishonesty
    • disseminate
    • cautious
    • expertise
  5. Select the word that best completes the sentence.
    The internet makes it very easy to ___ information.
    • disseminate
    • prominent
    • athletes
    • expertise
  6. Select the word that best completes the sentence.
    Relying on information or advice offered by ___ movie stars, athletes, or anonymous internet sources is unwise.
    • prominent
    • disseminate
    • expertise
    • cautious


  1. athletes
  2. cautious
  3. credibility
  4. dishonesty
  5. disseminate
  6. prominent