
PC 101: Week 02 Vocabulary

Vocabulary List

Study Tips

Practice Problems

Use the Vocabulary List above to answer the following questions.

  1. Which words best match the following definitions?
    1. A vertical list of information in a spreadsheet
    2. Information and ideas people give you in response to your work
    3. To meet again after doing something to discuss the results of what you did
  2. Reviewing your actions and checking whether you did everything you were supposed to is an example of a(n) ___.
  3. Which if the following words are related to numbers?
    • integer
    • subtract
    • digit
    • prompt
    • zeal
    • upload
  4. The ___ for this week's writing assignment is difficult.
  5. Jesus Christ's atonement was the ultimate ___.
  6. Addressing Heavenly Father, expressing gratitude, asking for help, and closing in the name of Jesus Christ is an example of a(n) ___.
  7. Submitting a digital copy of something to another location is an example of a(n) ___.
  8. Being excited and active in something is an example of ___.


  1. (a) column, (b) feedback, (c) regroup
  2. inventory
  3. integer, subtract, digit
  4. prompt
  5. sacrifice
  6. template
  7. upload
  8. zeal