
Introduction to Fractions


A fraction is another way to represent division.


The top (numerator) represents the number of pieces of the whole.
The bottom (denominator) represents the number it takes to make one whole. Another way to think of this is that the denominator tells us the size of each piece. The bigger the denominator, the smaller each piece is within the whole thing.

Quick Tip

This is where we get the / to mean division. Fractions can be written as \(\frac{5}{7}\) or they might be written as 5/7. You may see them written either way in this course.

Video Source (04:10 mins) | Transcript

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Practice Problems

  1. In the fraction \(\frac{2}{3}\), what is the numerator and what is the denominator?
  2. Suppose you invited seven friends to a party and five of them attended. Give a fraction that represents the proportion of your friends who attended the party.
  3. What fraction of the whole does the shaded portion represent?
    This is a circle that has been divided into 8 wedge shaped pieces. Three of the pieces are white and 5 of the pieces are shaded.

  4. What fraction of the whole does the shaded portion represent?
    This is a rectangle that has been divided into three equal pieces. One piece is white and two pieces are shaded.


  1. The numerator is 2, and the denominator is 3 (Written Solution)
  2. \(\frac{5}{7}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)
  3. \(\frac{5}{8}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)
  4. \(\frac{2}{3}\) (Written Solution)