Division and Percentages:

Converting Between Decimals and Percentages

The following video will show how to change a decimal into a percent and the other way around. This is important to know when we go into the next section.

Video Source (07:00 mins) | Transcript

When going from a Decimal to a Percent: move the decimal to the RIGHT two places.
When going from a Percent to a Decimal: move the decimal to the LEFT two places.

Additional Resources

Practice Problems

  1. Write 12% as a decimal.
  2. Write 125% as a decimal.
  3. Convert the decimal 0.35 to a percent.
  4. Convert the decimal 0.0015 to a percent.
  5. Convert the decimal 2.45 to a percent.
  6. Convert 12.3% into a decimal.
  7. Convert 0.92% into a decimal.


  1. 0.12 (Written Solution)
  2. 1.25 (Written Solution)
  3. 35% (Solution Video | Transcript)
  4. 0.15%
  5. 245%
  6. 0.123 (Solution Video | Transcript)
  7. 0.0092