Division and Percentages:

Introduction to Percentages

A percentage tells us what part of a whole something is. The following video will explain what percentages mean and where they come from.

Video Source (05:35 mins) | Transcript

Percent literally means “out of 100,” or “compared to 100.” Percentages are written with the % symbol. If we have half of something it is the same as 50% because 50 is half of 100.

The practice problems in this section use the concept “out of 100” to help you visualize what is happening when we add or subtract a percentage from another amount. We will go into this in more detail in the next few mini-lessons.

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Practice Problems

  1. What does a percent mean?
  2. If an item purchased at a store costs $1 and has a sales tax rate of 6%, what will be the total amount paid for the item?
  3. If a tire store is having a sale for 10% off any tire, and you purchase a tire that normally costs $100, what is the sale price of the tire after the 10% is taken off?
  4. If you earn 20% commission for any sale you make, and you sell $100 worth of product, how much will you earn for that sale?
  5. If you earn $100 and pay tithing at a rate of 10%, how much money will you pay in tithing?


  1. Out of 100
  2. $1.06 (Solution Video | Transcript)
  3. $90 (Written Solution)
  4. $20 (Solution Video | Transcript)
  5. $10 (Written Solution)