Multiplication and Division:

Multiplication and Division with Negative Numbers

Multiplication with negative numbers is the same as normal multiplication with these added rules:

Negative × Negative = Positive
Positive × Negative = Negative
Negative × Positive = Negative

The same is true for division as well.


Negative × Negative = Positive

\(-3\cdot (-2)=6\)
\(-10\) ÷ \((-5)=2\)

Positive × Negative = Negative

\(3\cdot (-2)=-6\)
10 ÷ \((-5)=-2\)

Negative × Positive = Negative

\(-3\cdot 2=-6\)
\(-10\) ÷ \(5=-2\)

Video Source (02:53 mins) | Transcript

If you want more understanding regarding why these rules are true, the first two videos in the additional resources will explain.

Additional Resources

Practice Problems

  1. If a positive number is multiplied by a negative number, what can we say about the result?
    1. The result will always be positive.
    2. The result will always be negative.
    3. The result will be negative if the negative value is bigger than the positive value.
    4. There is not enough information to draw a conclusion about the result
  2. If a negative number is divided by a negative number, what can we say about the result?
    1. The result will always be positive.
    2. The result will always be negative.
    3. The result will be greater than \(-1\) and less than 1.
    4. There is not enough information to draw a conclusion about the result

Evaluate the following expression:

  1. \(8\cdot (-9)=?\)
  2. \(-15\cdot 7=?\)
  3. \(-45\cdot (-7)=?\)
  4. \(15\) ÷ \((-3)=?\)
  5. \(-63\) ÷ \(7=?\)
  6. \(-81\) ÷ \((-9)=?\)


  1. B
  2. A
  3. -72 (Written Solution)
  4. \(-105\) (Solution Video | Transcript)
  5. 315
  6. \(-5\) (Written Solution)
  7. \(-9\)
  8. 9 (Solution Video | Transcript)