Addition and Subtraction:

Introduction to Place Values

The following are the names of the place values for integers. We will see the place values for positions after the decimal point later.

A box displaying the number 6,731,239,465. Above each number are the names of each place value. Above the five on the far right is the word ones. To the left of it above the six is says, tens. To the left of that, above the 4 is says, Hundreds. Continuing left above each number is says: Thousands, Ten Thousands, Hundred thousands, Millions, Ten millions, hundred millions, and Billions.

Why is place value important? Place value is important when doing arithmetic. You need it to regroup when doing subtraction. You will also use it in addition and multiplication to regroup into the next place value. You need to understand it in order to estimate and round numbers.

Video Source (04:43 mins) | Transcript

Video Source (01:56 mins) | Transcript

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Practice Problems

  1. Consider the number 7,986,035,214
    What is the place value for each number:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
  2. Consider the number 7,986,035,214
    What is the place value for each number:
    1. 6
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 9
    5. 0
  3. Consider the number 3,562,907,148
    What is the place value for each number:
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 0
    4. 1
    5. 5
  4. Consider the number 3,562,907,148
    What is the place value for each number:
    1. 6
    2. 9
    3. 7
    4. 4
    5. 8


    1. 1 tens
    2. 2 hundreds
    3. 3 ten thousands
    4. 4 ones
    5. 5 thousands
    6. (Written Solution)
    1. 6 millions
    2. 7 billions
    3. 8 ten millions
    4. 9 hundred millions
    5. 0 hundred thousands
    6. (Solution Video | Transcript)
    1. 3 billions
    2. 2 millions
    3. 0 ten thousands
    4. 1 hundreds
    5. 5 hundred millions
    6. (Written Solution)
    1. 6 ten millions
    2. 9 hundred thousands
    3. 7 thousands
    4. 4 tens
    5. 8 ones
    6. (Solution Video | Transcript)