Solving for a Variable:

Solving for a Variable on One Side Using Multiplication and Division with Fractions

Remember back to the lesson on fractions where we learned about multiplicative inverses of fractions.
Multiplicative Inverse: Number when multiplied to another number equals \(1\)

When solving equations where our variable is being multiplied by a fraction, we follow the same steps as when it was a whole number, we multiply both sides by the multiplicative inverse.

Video Source (10:05 mins) | Transcript

The multiplicative inverse is the opposite of the original fraction, but the sign stays the same:

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Practice Problems

Solve for the variable:

  1. \(-7{\text{M}}=\frac{-7}{4}\)

  2. \(\frac{6}{5}{\text{B}}=3\)

  3. \(\frac{-2}{3}{\text{g}}=-1\)

  4. \(\frac{-2}{7}=\frac{-3}{2}{\text{x}}\)

  5. \(4{\text{j}}=\frac{3}{2}\)

  6. \(\frac{-3}{5}=\frac{3}{2}{\text{D}}\)

  7. \(\frac{-{\text{J}}}{3}=\frac{-7}{6}\)


  1. \(\frac{1}{4}\) (Written Solution)

  2. \(\frac{5}{2}\)

  3. \(\frac{3}{2}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)

  4. \(\frac{4}{21}\) (Written Solution)

  5. \(\frac{3}{8}\)

  6. \(\frac{-2}{5}\)

  7. \(\frac{7}{2}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)