Solving for a Variable:

Solving for a Variable on One Side Using Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction

Not all problems only have one thing happening at a time, we often have multiplication and addition. We still add the additive inverse to both sides and multiply both sides by the multiplicative inverse, but which comes first? The following video will show this process:

Video Source (07:18 mins) | Transcript

Remember, when solving for a variable, we use the Order of Operations (PEDMAS), but we go backward instead. In your practice problems, you’re just dealing with Multiplication and Addition/Subtraction, so first you’ll add the additive inverse, then you multiply by the multiplicative inverse.

Additional Resources

Practice Problems

Solve for the variable:

  1. \(5{\text{M}} + 2 = 12\)

  2. \(-2{\text{Q}} + 1 = 5\)

  3. \(2{\text{n}} + 9 = -5\)

  4. \(8{\text{k}} {-} 7 = 17\)

  5. \(-3{\text{x}} + 14 = -7\)

  6. \(-5{\text{q}} {-} 29 = 41\)

  7. \(10{\text{f}} {-} 6 = 24\)


  1. \(2\) (Written Solution)

  2. \(-2\)

  3. \(-7\)

  4. \(3\) (Written Solution)

  5. \(7\)

  6. \(-14\) (Solution Video | Transcript)

  7. \(3\) (Solution Video | Transcript)