Rules of Exponents:

Power Rule

The power rule is about a base raised to a power, all raised to another power. What does this mean? This means everything raised to the interior exponent is then multiplied together the number of times of the exterior exponent.

\(\left (2^{3} \right )^{4} = 2^{(3\cdot4)} = 2^{12}\)

Video Source (08:23 mins) | Transcript

Things to remember: with the power rule, the powers multiply. Everything within the parentheses is affected by the power.

Additional Resources

Practice Problems

Simplify the following expressions:

  1. \(({\text{x}}^{\text{m}})^{\text{n}}\)

  2. \((3^{2})^{3}\)

  3. \(({\text{m}}^{2})^{4}({\text{y}}^{5})^{2}\)

  4. \(({\text{x}}^{3})^{2}({\text{y}}^{4})^{2}(x^{2})^{1}\)

  5. \((4^{2})^{3}(2^{5})^{1}\)

  6. \(({\text{a}}^{\text{x}})^{2}({\text{b}}^{3})^{2}\)


  1. \({\text{x}}^{\text{mn}}\) (Written Solution)
  2. \(3^{6} = 729\)
  3. \({\text{m}}^{8}{\text{y}}^{10}\) (Written Solution)
  4. \({\text{x}}^{8}{\text{y}}^{8}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)
  5. \(4^{6}2^{5} = 4096 \cdot 32 = 131,072\) (Solution Video | Transcript)
  6. \({\text{a}}^{2{\text{x}}}{\text{b}}^{6} \)