Rules of Exponents:

Product Rule

The word product means to multiply. The product rule of exponents helps us remember what we do when two numbers with exponents are multiplied together. Here are some math vocabulary words that will help you to understand this lesson better:

The following video will explain, with some examples, what the product rule is:

The word product in math means what you get when you multiply things together.


Video Source (07:19 mins) | Transcript)

Qualification for the product rule: bases must be the same. If the bases are the same, then the product rule says that you add the exponents. Also remember that you can multiply in any order, so \(\left ( {\text{a}} \right )\left ( {\text{b}} \right )=\left ( {\text{b}} \right )\left ( {\text{a}} \right )\). This means that if there are multiple bases, you can rearrange the order and add the exponents of any of the bases that are the same.

Additional Resources

Practice Problems

Simplify the following Expressions:

  1. \({\text{xx}}^{3}\)

  2. \({\text{m}}^{2}{\text{m}}^{5}\)

  3. \({\text{m}}^{3}{\text{x}}^{6}{\text{m}}\)

  4. \({\text{x}}^{2}{\text{y}}^{3}{\text{x}}^{4}\)

  5. \({\text{mx}}^{2}{\text{m}}^{3}{\text{x}}^{7}\)

  6. \({\text{x}}^{5}{\text{y}}^{4}{\text{x}}^{2}{\text{yz}}^{2}\)


  1. \({\text{x}}^{4}\) (Written Solution)
  2. \({\text{m}}^{7}\)
  3. \({\text{m}}^{4}{\text{x}}^{6}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)
  4. \({\text{x}}^{6}{\text{y}}^{3}\)
  5. \({\text{m}}^{4}{\text{x}}^{9}\) (Written Solution)
  6. \({\text{x}}^{7}{\text{y}}^{5}{\text{z}}^{2}\) (Solution Video | Transcript)