Excel Practice

Multiplication Using Excel

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Video Source (03:04 mins) | Transcript

Star symbol

Multiplication in Excel is done using the * symbol.

Example: Multiply 2x3 in Excel.

Answer: Type “=2*3” into the cell but without the quotation marks. Click Enter. You will see the number 6 in that cell. Up in the formula bar you will see =2*3.


A number or variable next to a parenthesis means multiplication, but in Excel we need to include the * symbol too.

Example: Multiply 3(2+5) using Excel.

Answer: Type “=3*(2+5)” into the cell. (Do not include the “” marks.) Click enter. You will see the number 21 in the cell. Up in the formula bar you will see the formula =3*(2+5).

Referencing Cells

To multiply the contents of two cells together by referencing the cells, we use the * symbol between the cell names.

Example: Multiply the contents of A1 and A2.

Answer: Type “=A1*A2” into the cell of choice. (Do not include the “” marks.) Click enter. You will see the multiplication of the contents of these two cells in the new cell.