a- or an- without or lacking (ex: anorexia)
ab- away from (ex: abduct)
ad- toward or adjacent to (ex: adduct)
anti- against, opposed, or inhibitive (ex: antihistamine)
arthr- joint (ex: arthroscopy)
auto- self (ex: autoimmune disease)
bi- two (ex: biceps)
bio- life (ex: biology)
carcin- cancer or tumor (ex: carcinogen)
cardio- heart (ex: cardiology)
cephal- head (ex: encephalitis)
cerebro- brain (ex: CVA or cerebrovascular accident)
chondr- cartilage (ex: chondrogenesis)
circum- around or round about (ex: circumcision)
co- with or together (ex: cofactor)
contra- against or in opposition to (ex: contraindication)
derm- skin (ex: dermatologist)
di- two (ex: disaccharide)
dys- difficult or abnormal (ex: dyslexia)
ecto- outside or external (ex: ectopic)
endo- inside or within (ex: endocardium)
epi- upon or above (ex: epidermis)
erythro- red (ex: erythrocyte)
eu- well, good, or true (ex: eukaryote)
ex- out of or outside (ex: excretion)
glyco- sweet or sugar (ex: glycogenolysis)
hemi- half (ex: hemipalegia)
hepat- liver (ex: hepatocyte)
hist- tissue (ex: histology)
hydro- water or liquid (ex: hydrocele)
hyper- in excess (ex: hyperglycemia)
hypo- below normal or under (ex: hypoglycemia)
infra- beneath or underneath (ex: infrapatellar)
inter- between (ex: interosseous)
intra- within or inside of (ex: intramuscular)
iso- equal (ex: isotope)
leuko- white (ex: leukocytosis)
macro- large (ex: macrophage)
melano- black (ex: melanoma)
micro- small (ex: microscope)
mono- one (ex: monosaccharide)
multi- many or multiple (ex: multicellular)
myo- muscle (ex: myocardial infarction)
neo- new (ex: neovascularization)
nephro- kidney (ex: cystic nephron)
neuro- nerve (ex: neuroglia)
oculo- eye (ex: ocular)
odonto- tooth (ex: orthodontist)
oligo- deficient or few (ex: oligochromemia)
opthalm- eye (ex: ophthalmology)
osteo- bone (ex: osteoporosis)
oto- ear (ex: otology)
para- alongside or beyond (ex: parathyroid glands)
peri- around (ex: pericardium)
pneumo- air or gas; pertaining to the lungs (ex: pneumonia)
pod- foot (ex: podiatrist)
poly- many or much (ex: polysaccharide)
post- behind or after (ex: post-traumatic)
pre- or pro- prior to or in front of (ex: prehypertension)
pseudo- false (ex: pseudostratified epithelium)
sarco flesh (ex: sarcomere)
semi- half or partially (ex: semipermeable)
sclero- Hard (ex: scleroderma)
somato- body (ex: somatic)
steno- narrow or close (ex: aortic stenosis)
sub- below or under (ex: subclavian)
sym- or syn- with or together (ex: symphysis pubis and synchondrosis)
tachy- fast or rapid (ex: tachycardia)
trans- across or through (ex: transcutaneous)
viscer- pertaining to internal organs (ex: visceral fat)

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