06 Prepare : Checkpoint B - Moon Lander Design


Your assignment for this checkpoint is to produce a design document for Moon Lander. Because you have been provided with most of the details and class design for this project, your main task is to identify what you need from this information, how to organize it, and what you'll need to add to fill in the gaps.

Refer to the Moon Lander project description for the details of this project.


As outlined in the book, prepare a design document for Moon Lander with the following sections.

  1. Problem Description
    • Briefly describe the what the project is.
  2. Design Overview
    • Describe the major components of your system and how they will interact. This should include a description of the game loop.
  3. Interface Design
    • Describe what will show on the screen.
    • Describe what input the user can provide and what each input command should do.
  4. Algorithms
    • For this section you should think about how inertia should work. In pseudocode, define the way the lander's position should be updated.
  5. Data-structures
    • Provide the UML of the classes in your program.
  6. File Format
    • You can list that this is not applicable to this project.
  7. Error Handling
    • Identify anything that could go wrong and how your program should react.

Please note that we will not include a section for structure chart as this harder to define with the object-oriented approach we are pursuing.

Also note that most of the content required for the design document is contained on the project description page. Your job is to determine what should go into the various sections. You are welcome to copy and paste any content that you would like, but there are some things you will need to write yourself.


Face to face students should bring a printed copy of their design documents to class. Online students should submit their documents as PDF files in I-Learn.