07 Prove : Project - Moon Lander
Complete your Moon Lander project.
Refer to the Moon Lander project description for the details of this project.
For this deliverable you need finish your implementation of Moon Lander.
Grading / Assessment
This project will be graded according to functionality, good design principles, and style. Each of your classes should demonstrate the principles of encapsulation and your methods should be cohesive and have as loose of coupling as possible.
Expectation to Excel
For this project, as well as future projects, you have been supplied with a base standard for requirements, but you are strongly encourage to go above these base requirements. Meeting the base standard enables you to receive up to 93% on the project.
To receive up to 100%, you will need to demonstrate creativity and excel above and beyond the base requirements. While subjective in nature, this likely means two small items or one large item above and beyond the base requirements.
This is designed to match the BYU-Idaho grading standard for what an "A Grade" means:
- "A" represents outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Demonstrates diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students. --BYU-Idaho Grading System
Regardless of the approach you take for your personal development, your program must be able to run in the Linux Lab environment.
- When complete, if necessary copy your code to the Linux Lab and ensure that it compiles.
- Open the makefile and ensure that it has the proper information in the header (i.e., your name, class, instructor).
- Make sure the name of the assignment is "Project 07, Moon Lander" (THIS IS A CHANGE FROM LAST WEEK).
- In the header portion of the makefile, please list any additional features you added (above the base requirements).
- Create a tar file with all of your files and submit it. For example:
- There is no testBed script for this assignment.