These instructions will walk you through testing your OpenGL project on the cs165 Linux account. These instructions are for students that do not want to use MobaXTerm or Apple's terminal.

  1. Download and install the cs165 course virtual machine or any Linux virtual machine that you have.

  2. Open a terminal window in your VM Linux machine.

  3. Use the Linux command ssh to connect to your cs165 Linux account. Change "accountname" to be your Linux account name.

    ssh -X -p 215 accountname@
  4. Once connected to you cs165 Linux account, change to the directory that contains your project. Run make to compile your code, then run your program (ie., a.out). You will be able to test that your program is working and is correct.

  5. Remember that you can not submit your project in this virtual machine, you must use your cs165 Linux account.