Introduction to Family and Consumer Science Syllabus
Course Objectives
- Students will explain what family and consumer sciences (FCS) is as they complete assignments, read, and participate in activities.
- Students will develop an FCS resource file system where they will collect FCS content and materials.
- Students will explain correct FCS principles (history, discipline, and professional opportunities).
- Students will identify their personal opinion about the value of FCS.
- Students will identify possible tracks into FCS professions.
Course Description
Students will gain an understanding of the history, purpose, and opportunities in the many areas of the family and consumer sciences professions with the anticipation that they will pursue or continue to pursue a degree in FCS education.
Learning Model Architecture
- Students will prepare by reading the required chapters and reviewing other outside work before participation in each week’s activities.
- Students will teach one another by sharing FCS resources for their personal files and discussing various assignments and questions throughout the course.
- Students will ponder and prove what they have learned by completing unit quizzes and writing papers explaining what they have learned through their reading, assignments, and interviews. They will also complete weekly reflection journals.
Required Materials
- The Richest Man in Town by V.J. Smith
- Foundations of Family Consumer Sciences (2nd Edition) by Sharleen L. Kato and Janice G. Elias
- Microphone
- Webcam
- Compare prices for your textbooks through the University Store Price Comparison site. They will show you all of the options from the University Store plus several online options to help you find the best price.
Grading Policies
No late work is accepted. Refer to the schedule and to the assignment pages in the course for due dates and times.
The following will make up your final grade:
Participation in Discussions | 35% |
Assignments | 35% |
Quizzes | 20% |
Final Work | 10% |
Grading Scale
A | 95–100% |
A- | 90–94% |
B+ | 87–89% |
B | 84–86% |
B- | 80–83% |
C+ | 77–79% |
C | 74–76% |
C- | 70–73% |
D+ | 67–69% |
D | 64–66% |
D- | 60–63% |
F | below 60% |
Department Policy Regarding Intellectual Property and Course Materials:
All of the materials in this course are covered by fair use and copyright law and are proprietary (intellectual property). Students are not permitted to sell, post, trade, share, distribute, or send any information contained in this course (including outlines, handouts, syllabi, exams, quizzes, PowerPoint presentations, lectures, audio and video recordings, or images of the same, etc. including your own work for this course) to any parties outside of this course (i.e., Course Hero, Quizlet, Google Docs, etc.) by any means (e.g., posting, uploading, attachments, etc.) without the express written permission from the creator of these works and the Department Chair.
Any of these actions violate the Academic Honesty policies of Brigham Young University-Idaho (please see CES Honor Code: Academic Honesty) and will be dealt with as such. The materials in this course are also intellectual property and taking any materials from the course and posting them outside of this course in any manner will be construed as theft and distribution of intellectual property. If you engage in any of these actions, or use any of these materials without authorization, the instructor has the right to impose an appropriate academic sanction (e.g., give you a failing grade for the assignment and/or fail you from the course). Additionally, the respective Course Lead, Program Lead, and/or Department Chair also reserve the right to impose appropriate academic sanctions regardless of any imposed by the instructor.